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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The formation of special economic zones in municipalities

Vol. 11, Iss. 7, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 9 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 16-24

Pankova S.V. Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Popov V.V. Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Importance The article reveals possible directions for special economic zones development in the region's municipalities. We consider in depth the positions of a number of scientists on the explored issue through the prism of its interpretation by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union.
     Objectives The research aims to identify the differences between the terms of special and free economic zones, as well as to develop proposals for the establishment of special economic zones, taking into account regional characteristics of municipalities development in the near-border subject of the Russian Federation, the Orenburg region, under the conditions of the Customs Union functioning.
     Methods In the article, we have used general scientific research methods: dialectical, monographic, logical analysis, comparing and collation, as well as economics and statistics analysis methods. We have analyzed the points of view of the Russian and foreign scientists on the interpretation of the free (special) economic zone concept, taking into account the legislative provisions of the modern Russian and international legislations. On this basis, the paper identified the problematic aspects related to the economic zones development within the municipalities of the Russian Federation.
     Results Scientific and applied nature of the work is conditioned by our attempt to consider the capabilities of municipalities, which possess the appropriate capacity of the near-border region of the Russian Federation (the Orenburg region), for the organization of different kinds of free economic zones on their territory. The article offers scientific substantiation in the form of using an assessment of the balanced socio-economic development of the municipalities.
     Conclusions and Relevance As part of the study, we have made recommendations on the organization of free economic zones enabling to create the scientific basis aimed to implement a relatively new trend in the economy, i.e. the development of the above-mentioned areas in the near-border municipalities that have the required potential for this purpose.

Keywords: Customs union, integration, special (free) economic zones, municipalities, border region


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