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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Increased employment as a factor in strengthening the economic security of Russia

Vol. 11, Iss. 9, MARCH 2015

Available online: 1 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 52-60

Komov V.G. Kursk Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Kursk, Russian Federation

Gorbatenko S.A. Kursk Institute of Social Education, Branch of Russian State Social University, Kursk, Russian Federation

Krapivka S.V. Kursk Institute of Social Education, Branch of Russian State Social University, Kursk, Russian Federation

Importance The problem of population employment against the background of economic development is one of the most vital as it determines to a large extent the society's economic and social security.
     Objectives The article considers the issues of objectivity in estimating the Russian unemployment level, and it also analyzes the effectiveness of practical implementation of particular purpose-oriented programs for facilitating employment of population. The paper considers the contradictions in methodological approaches for estimating unemployment indicators, and also has proposed alternative solutions.
     Methods In the research, we used the logical basis of system analysis, as well as methods of structural and statistical, economical and statistical studies and comparative analyses. The overcharging ideas of economic theory and legislative acts of the government bodies on the regulation of employment served as the methodological basis of the article. In the context of the Kursk region, we have proved the insufficient objectivity in estimating the unemployment level that is caused primarily by the lack of an effective mechanism for accounting of unemployed and migrants. In this connection, the paper proposes to introduce smart cards and refuse to use work books. We substantiate the necessity of replacing the highly specialized purpose-oriented programs for facilitating employment by comprehensive program of social and economic development of the country (region). We also offer a new approach for estimating unemployment that excludes the use of number of economically active population as the base value. The article points out an abnormal (in comparison with other countries) ratio between minimum and average wages in Russia, which specifies an absence of demand for the considerable number of the available working places, which remain vacant for a long period of time, creating the favorable statistics of high demand for employees in the labor market.
     Results The paper's findings can be used by the managerial bodies when shaping an effective social and economic policy, and also by the Russian Statistics Committee to improve the record of employment methodology.
     Conclusions and Relevance The identified problems may be of interest to researchers as objects to support further research.

Keywords: Keywords: unemployment, labor market, population employment, workforce, wages, economically active population, target programs, minimum salary


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