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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Territorial-branch planning in terms of the implementation of reshoring and re-industrialization strategies

Vol. 11, Iss. 10, MARCH 2015

Available online: 8 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-10

Razvadovskaya Yu.V. Center for Scientific Research of Instrumental, Mathematical and Intellec-tual Resources in the Economy, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federa-tion

Lozhnikova A.V. Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Shevchenko I.K. Center for Scientific Research of Instrumental, Mathematical and Intellectual Resources in the Economy, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Importance Change of the next stage of technical and economic development is accompanied by a structural transformation of the global economy, in particular the regular movement of global financial capital, as well as significant changes in the siting of production facilities. In search of new sources of competitive advantages, the global industrial capital is moving to the countries that are able to reduce production costs. In these conditions, the developed and developing States use various methods of territorial sectoral planning that in developed countries, aim at the return of industrial production, and in developing ones, at the rehabilitation and modernization of the existing scientific and industrial complexes.
     Objectives The main purpose of the article is to identify methods of long-term territorial and sectoral planning in the context of structural transformation of the global economy in developed and developing countries, as well as an analysis of the prospects of recovery of industrial pro-duction in Russia. To achieve the goal, the authors are addressing a number of challenges, in-cluding the systematization of theoretical bases of reshoring and reindustrialization, mapping of potential projects of reindustrialization in Russia.
     Methods The methodological basis of the study was the theory of territorial and sectoral plan-ning. For the analysis of promising reindustrialization projects, the authors use the method of mapping.
     Results The authors show that reshoring trends are typical of the developed countries, and they do not influence the Russian economy directly. In Russian practice, the territorial-branch plan-ning is to restore scientific and production associations, which were created during the period of the planned economy, what is proved by the mapping of potential reindustrialization projects.
     Conclusions and Relevance The authors conclude that in the context of structural instability of the economy, Governments of both developed and developing countries are increasing the indus-trial potential of the economy; the tools to implement this policy is either reshoring of industrial production, or its restoring on a restructuring of the existing scientific and industrial complexes. In Russian practice, the remediation of the industry in the long term is not capable to ensure the accelerated development of industry clusters.

Keywords: territorial and sectoral planning, reshoring, reindustrialization, mapping, industrial parks, clusters, research and production association, developed and developing countries, Russia, industrial-innovation potential


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