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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Motivational potential as an object of management in organizations

Vol. 11, Iss. 10, MARCH 2015

Available online: 8 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 11-17

Karpovich A.P. Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Importance The subject of the article is due to modern trends and features of the development of Russian enterprises, which are not only characterized by the transition to the innovation way of development, and the complexity of labor relations, but the increased competition both within the enterprise and beyond. The personnel management policy should be oriented to the compre-hensive research of the capacity in line with the innovative development of the economy and change of the configuration of management staff.
     Objectives The aim of the study is to define the entities, elements and characteristics of the mo-tivational capacity, as well as the formulation of the basic approach to determining the level of the motivational capacity of enterprise personnel.
     Methods For the study, I used the logical methods and the method of comparative analysis, syn-thesis, which define the key parameters of the motivational potential, possible areas of its re-search and the baseline according to the development strategy.
     Results As a result of the work, I am proposing an interpretation of the essence of the motiva-tional capacity as both the potential and commitment of staff and the organization proper to aim the staff's efforts (knowledge, skills, and competence) at those activities that provide the per-spectives of development and enable the organization to implement its existing or projected ben-efits. The analysis of motivational capacity is possible at the following interrelated levels: per-sonal, collective, organizational.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that a study of the motivational capacity would enable the activities of modern enterprises to identify the existing reserves of motivation and stimulation of work and identify those system restrictions which hinder the achievement of the goals of the organization and harmonization of interests of key groups of staff. The results can be used as recommendations for diagnosing the motivational capacity of staff and the organization, which will facilitate the adjustment (determination) of strategic human resource management parameters based on a combination of capabilities and readiness of employees and management of the organization to the mutually agreed goals, interests, and key management techniques.

Keywords: motivation, motivational potential, personnel management, staff


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