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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Building the IT competence of health professionals as a national security factor

Vol. 11, Iss. 13, APRIL 2015

Available online: 5 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 45-55

Ovsyanitskaya L.Yu. Ural Social and Economic Institute, Branch of Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Importance Currently, low quality of health professionals’ training and retraining and insufficient financing of the hi-tech health care development directly affect the national security in health care and health of the nation.
     Objectives The author performs a critical analysis of the health care industry specificity in relation to information technologies and telecommunications. The research identifies reasons for the existing situation and suggests options for resolving the problem.
     Methods When comparing the aspects under study, the author applies a horizontal comparative analysis, as well as the content analysis of regulations.
     Results The research provides a detailed review of implications incompetent performance may have. Such incompetence may result in disregarding a common trend for telemedicine technology development, adoption of electronic documentation management and integration of automated workplaces. As a result of defying the above innovation, physicians and patients spend too much time preparing documents. Therefore it becomes impossible to pay reasonable and proper attention to solving professional issues; distinction between telemedicine and cybermedicine disappears; health care institutions purchase obsolete diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and software, which may inflict harm arising from violation of laws that set forth stringent algorithms for personal data processing, rather than relieving health professionals from repetitive routines.
     Conclusions and Relevance Following the research, the author concludes that IT competence of health professionals is one of the crucial factors that influence national security. Furthermore, IT competencies will significantly enhance provided that classes of information science and information technologies are introduced into the basic, postgraduate and additional education curriculum of health professionals, and such classes take place more frequently and address a broader audience.

Keywords: national security, IT competence, postgraduate education, health professionals


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