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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The phenomenon of corruption in Russia: a factual analysis

Vol. 11, Iss. 14, APRIL 2015

Available online: 10 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 52-66

Umanets O.P. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The research examines corruption from scientific and methodological perspectives. Currently, corruption has become a transnational and cross-border challenge, no longer being a local and limited phenomenon. High-ranking officials in Russia and international community focus attention on combating corruption and make the relevant attempts. It is relevant to investigate reasons for corruption since the public constantly sees a negative effect of its growth. This article reviews the contemporary methods for combating corruption.
The research aims at demonstrating new approaches and possible solutions to the issue in question. At the first stage, based on generalized data and sources in public domain, legislative documents, regulations, I carry out a factual analysis clarifying the current status of the issue. At the subsequent stages, I specify the substance and formats of corruption, determine the qualitative, functional and system properties. The categorical approach may help solve the issue.
     Methods In the process of the research, I examine instances of corruption, considering the Russian specificity. The analysis includes examining the current state of the issue and determining development trends in the short run. I investigate various views on the issue in question: administrative, political, social and international. I hypothesize that there are natural restriction factors in public administration.
I conclude that the current extent and scale of corruption in Russia require new methods to fight corruption. There is no algorithm for preparing efficient solutions and comprehensive evaluation of the public authorities' performance. It is coupled with low efficiency of administration and poor indicators of anti-corruption activities. I suggest applying the categorical approach among other tools for tackling the issue. Whereas the scope of the article is limited, I will continue investigating other aspects of the issue in further research.

Keywords: corruption, risk, national security, threat, categorical approach, systems analysis


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  3. Indeks vospriyatiya korruptsii [Corruption Perceptions Index]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
  4. K itogam zasedaniya Soveta po protivodeistviyu korruptsii [On results of the meeting of the Anti-Corruption Council Presidium]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
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  9. Materialy zasedaniya Gosudarstvennoi Dumy Rossiiskoi Federatsii 15.11.2006 [Materials of the meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of November 15, 2006]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
  10. Zasedanie prezidiuma Soveta po protivodeistviyu korruptsii ot 28 yanvarya 2014 [Materials of the meeting of the Anti-Corruption Council Presidium of January 28, 2014]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
  11. O bor'be s korruptsionnymi prestupleniyami v sfere zhilishchno-kommunal'nogo khozyaistva [On combating corruption in the housing and utilities sector]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
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  14. O rezul'tatakh bor'by pravookhranitel'nykh organov s korruptsionnymi prestupleniyami i zadachakh po sovershenstvovaniyu deyatel'nosti [Results of law enforcement authorities combating corruption and tasks to improve the performance]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
  15. Ob organizatsii protivodeistviya korruptsii [On anti-corruption activities]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
  16. Ob organizatsionno-metodicheskom obespechenii preduprezhdeniya korruptsii v negosudarstvennom sektore [On organizational and methodological support to prevent corruption in the private sector]. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
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ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

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