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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Information support when ensuring the security of internet-banking

Vol. 11, Iss. 15, APRIL 2015

Available online: 18 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 48-58

Tumbinskaya M.V. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation

Importance Currently, most banking institutions use information systems of Internet banking or distance banking. It is simple and convenient for both banks and their customers, though not always safe.
     Objectives Information security in Internet banking is relevant and vital since fraudulent and malicious activities (cyber-attacks) of cybercriminals (hackers) become more frequent. In reality, cybercrimes are committed more often than statistics indicates. Banking institutions are reluctant to disclose information about successful cyber-attacks cybercriminals performed. The article addresses issues of data protection in information systems of online banking and pursues preserving the integrity and confidentiality of information.
     Methods The research shapes a generalized structure of an information system of Internet banking, which reflects modular architecture of the system, links between users and control loop. I also propose a model of the information system of Internet banking, which, if used, will allow minimizing cyber-attacks, enhancing and improving a comprehensive information security system in economic and social organizations, increasing the efficiency of the protected information system of Internet banking, choosing an adequate strategy for developing Internet banking.
     Results The Internet banking system model will allow evaluating the system protection level, which is ensured by supporting the decision-making process in a poorly structured domain with heterogeneous characteristics. I propose a set-theoretical model to support decision-making in managing information security of information systems of Internet banking that allows accumulating analytical information on ongoing cybercriminals' threats, providing automated support to the process of making decisions on suppression of cyber-attacks, setting safeguards for confidential information, facilitating the elaboration of control actions. The article describes a semantic general scheme for stealing confidential information from information systems of Internet banking, presents a formalized model of a cybercriminal featuring personal parameters and scenarios for stealing confidential information from information systems of Internet banking. The cybercriminal model relies on common images and prototypes of cybercriminals, which will enable to detect a probable offender in the information system of Internet banking.
     Conclusions and Relevance The proposed solutions will facilitate reinforcing information security of the information system of Internet banking, increasing the effectiveness and quality of managerial decisions on confidential information protection.

Keywords: information security, information system, Internet banking, cybercriminal, decision-making, modeling, attacks, threats


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