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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Adaptation as the cornerstone of the evolution of economic systems

Vol. 11, Iss. 17, MAY 2015

Available online: 16 May 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 13-23

Grechko M.V. Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Importance The article shows the genesis and development of historically limited socio-economic systems that is relevant for the economic analysis.
     Objectives I point out the issue of developing a theoretical framework and formally describe the genesis of the post-industrial society and logic of development of nonlinear social transformations and transition processes. I rely on the assumption that: first, the economic system rests upon dominant technologies of development; second, a format of coordinating the ownership relations is the system's nucleus; third, the institutional and legal framework of relations is the protection belt. In this respect, the economic system, from Marx's perspectives, represents a mutually dependent relation of productive forces (technologies) and relations of production (socio-economic relationships). I streamline the terminology and identify the substance of such terms as post-industrialism and adaptation.
     Methods The research employs the methodology that is based on the cognitive potential of the political and economic theory, as well as methods of systems and economic analysis that allows me to prove that the evolution of socio-economic systems implies a change in key parameters (prevailing factors) of development. It is driven by adaptive responses of the existing system to new challenges of the external environment.
     Results Relying on the theory of innovative development, I examine logistic laws governing the evolution of economic systems in progress. I outline a pattern of arguments indicating that each phase of the economic system development (I-III) requires adequate mechanisms for adapting to the environment, thus enabling me to reach a formal understanding of the relevant adaptation rules typical of the post-industrial development. The results of the research may be useful to further develop the theoretical framework needed to describe the genesis of the post-industrial society, study common rules of economic development, and comprehend real economic processes.
     Conclusions and Relevance It is important that authorities may use the practical results of the research to devise a strategy for social and economic development of the country and implement the relevant economic policy. I systematize four main conclusions following the research.

Keywords: adaptation, producing forces, relations, production, post-industrialism, economic system, evolution


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