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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Globalization and the economic security of Japan

Vol. 11, Iss. 17, MAY 2015

Available online: 16 May 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 24-38

Gordienko D.V. Academy of Military Science, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Globalization has not only a positive effect, but also generates significant contradictions, which, in particular, became evident in the last global financial and economic crisis. Japan is involved into globalization, continues this process and demonstrates respective dynamics in the globalization index. The article focuses on ensuring the economic security of Japan during globalization.
     Objectives The article deals with measures to ensure economic security, adopted in Japan in the context of globalization. Common practices of ensuring economic security allow qualifying the following processes as the principle formats of national economic security: first, economic protectionism that ensures internal system security of the nation's economic systems provided that a combination of the systems is regarded as an integral system; second, economic cooperation that results in economic security of the nation through the national economy's interaction with various economic systems, which are not subordinate to the national economic sector; third, economic confrontation that is the main form of the national economic security in circumstances of opposing parties' competition.
     Methods The research examines how the above economic security measures are implemented to protect the Japanese economy from external and internal threats, analyzes the approach for ensuring Japan's economic security in remedying the global financial and economic crisis, developing economic integration ties and escalating economic confrontation. I apply the index analysis and horizontal and vertical comparative analyses.
     Results Economic outcomes and forecasts on the Japanese economic security are of interest to evaluate the current economic policy and how it influences the use of economic potential for the national interests.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that the global financial crisis had a significant impact on opportunities of Japan and most countries in terms of improving their economic security. It explains why governments and Central Banks undertake and implement additional anti-crisis measures and remedies, strengthen economic cooperation and proceed with economic confrontation.

Keywords: economics, global financial crisis, economic security, ensuring economic security, State, economic security level, economic security evaluation, Japan


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Vol. 20, Iss. 7
July 2024
