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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Non-profit organizations and the Russian national security system: a role of non-governmental organizations acting as foreign agents

Vol. 11, Iss. 18, MAY 2015

Available online: 18 May 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 58-66

Fantrov P.P. Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Importance Involvement of public organizations in ensuring national security is one of the key issues in the current period of the Russian society. The issue is relevant since there are internal and external threats that grow concurrently with aggravation of the economic crisis. The public and its voluntary associations should be more active in driving the national security system. However, all civil institutions are able to protect vital interests of the Russian society. In this respect, it is necessary to determine the relations of non-governmental organizations that are qualified as foreign agents, and the national security system.
     Objectives The article evaluates what role non-profit organizations play in ensuring the national security. In the context of the mentioned issue, I also investigate operations of non-governmental organizations acting as foreign agents. I analyze an issue of creating adequate conditions for their operations, thus eliminating real and possible threats of external influence on the development of the Russian sovereignty. The research examines activities of foreign agents, from perspectives of the effective legislation.
     Methods The theoretical and methodological framework comprises ideas of such national scientists as Averkina Yu.B., Vasil'eva E.N., Gulyaikhin V.N., Korostelev O.I., Marutin A.G., Mysin S.V. who analyzed national security issues. In examining the specificity of operations of non-profit organizations acting as foreign agents, I apply institutional, systemic, structural and dialectical methods that help identify common and specific aspects and evaluate their role in ensuring the national security of Russia.
     Results The article presents a comparative analysis of nongovernmental organizations' operations and indicates the need to enhance the legislation governing their activities. The research identifies a social role of non-governmental organizations acting as foreign agents. Their role is contradictory since they participate in creating the social background for protests and political radicalism threatening the national security, while providing a real social and legislative support to the population.
     Conclusions and Relevance The research has a scientific novelty since it evaluates a public role of non-profit organizations acting as foreign agents in the context of ensuring the national security of Russia.

Keywords: NPO, non-governmental organizations, foreign agent, national security, civil society


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