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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Developing liaison of institutional economic agents as part of innovative infrastructure of the regional economy through new organizational and economic mechanisms

Vol. 11, Iss. 21, JUNE 2015

Available online: 7 June 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 33-43

Larin S.N. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS, Моscow, Russian Federation

Stebenyaeva T.V. Institute of International Accounting and Management Standards, Моscow, Russian Federation

Lazareva L.Yu. Institute of International Accounting and Management Standards, Моscow, Russian Federation

Importance The article reveals some new organizational and economic mechanisms to develop internetworking of independent producers of innovative goods (services, technologies) and institutional agents of innovative infrastructure. Whereas neither companies nor separate countries may possess key competencies in developing and producing the entire spectrum of innovation during globalization, the article gains special relevance.
     Objectives The research mainly analyzes basic indicators of the existing and new markets where innovative products (services, technologies) are manufactured and sold. We identify the specifics that determined objectives of the research, i.e. modernizing the existing organizational and economic mechanisms for liaison between independent innovative producers and institutional economic agents of innovative infrastructure.
     Methods The research specifies the economic substance of such concepts as internationalization of innovative developments, incremental and breakthrough innovation, innovation ecosystems and hubs. The methodological tools comprise the basic provisions of theories for internetworking and setting up chains of building value, cooperation and competition, as well as the Henderson-Clark model.
We analyzed basic characteristics of the existing and new markets where innovative products are manufactured and sold. We also investigate the main advantages of the existing and new organizational and economic mechanisms for interaction of independent producers of innovative products and institutional economic agents of innovative infrastructure.
     Conclusions and Relevance
Based on the research, we conclude that currently there is no mechanism, method or model that would guarantee a success in innovative activities. It is evident that successful results may be attained only when the use of new organizational and economics mechanisms are comprehensively substantiated and reasonable to ensure the liaison between production structures and institutional agents of innovative infrastructure.

Keywords: innovation, new types, products, services, technologies, interaction, market actors, institutional economic agents, market trends, innovative infrastructure, chains, value added, innovative clusters, hubs, technological platforms


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