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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Factors and phenomena of generating consumer demand for cinematographic content (theoretical and experimental studies)

Vol. 11, Iss. 22, JUNE 2015

Available online: 16 June 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 28-38

Noakk N.V. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Znamenskaya A.N. JSC Timsoft, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation

Importance The article discusses the main factors and phenomena of forming demand for cinematographic content in relation to the specifics of the Russian audience.
The research tackles the issue of forecasting whether a film is commercially profitable. We investigate the extent and format such forecasting is considered at the earlier stages of the film production process, and what emotional attributes film makers regard as the most important ones.
We reviewed the literature narrating how various factors of consumer demand for cinematographic content originate. We draw upon the data used in the previous stage of our research into creating a consumer demand forecasting model. We asked a group of students specializing in the film industry to complete questionnaires so that we could determine what understanding and ideas the future film directors and script writers had on the principal factors that would make any film commercially successful and key areas of the national cinematography development.
     Results Analyzing the outcome of the survey among the future film directors and script writers, we figure out that audience's emotional characteristics, as a whole, plays rather an insignificant role in perceiving the future of the film industry. However, we point out a group of respondents who take psychological characteristics into account. In forecasting demand for film products, specialists should mind that they should not involve too many factors (not more than six to seven factors). The cinematographic content demand forecast is reasonable to rely upon various models in line with various genres. It is advisable to pay attention to such psychological phenomena as intolerable attitude to losses, uncertainty effect, flow phenomenon.
     Conclusions and Relevance The outcome may be useful to adjust the cinematographic content demand forecasting model in line with two aspects, i.e. to consider embedded factors of demand as necessary and practicable, to take the effect of psychological phenomena into account on the consumer navigation.

Keywords: consumer demand, forecasting, cinematographic content, factors, phenomena, emotional characteristics, viewers


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