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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The modern labor market: theoretical problems and the applied value

Vol. 11, Iss. 25, JULY 2015

Received: 6 February 2015

Received in revised form: 2 April 2015

Accepted: 13 May 2015

Available online: 10 July 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 28-49

Zolin I.E. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Importance It is important to examine the current issues of labor market since scientific literature still provides insufficient description of its substance and contents, and the effect of external factors influencing its development trends (economic and demographic aspects, labor migration). The effective system for State regulation of the labor market should be urgently established. There is a need in thorough research into this field so to address the above issues.
     Objectives The research specifies a set of categories describing the labor market in terms of the methodological, structural, dynamic and forecasting contents. It also pursues suggesting a holistic approach to setting up the integral and consistent mechanism for State regulation of the labor market due to the need to provide the market with manpower.
     Methods The article reviews researches by foreign and national scholars into the subject as a methodological basis for this study. I examine the most common and general patterns of the labor market and evaluate the effect of such external factors as demography, labor migration on its development trends. The article also presents foreign expertise in regulating the labor market. Drawing upon the general patterns, I substantiate areas for improving the efficiency of the labor market regulation. This general-to-specific method allows tracing patterns of the labor market as much as possible under specific circumstances of Russia's development. The methods of statistical and factor analysis, economic and mathematical methods and expert evaluation are an important part of the methodological framework of the research.
     Results I set up a theoretical and methodological basis for forming and developing the labor market in the context of transformation processes seen in the modern economy. I also substantiate practical recommendations for implementing the integral concept for steering the labor market considering the comprehensive analysis of the existing trends and limitations impeding its effective implementation in Russia.
     Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the analysis, I specify the socio-economic substance of the modern labor market, identify trends and specifics of its development and articulate my proposals to improve the mechanism for its State regulation in line with the conclusions obtained. The main theoretical and methodological provisions and results of the research may be used by public authorities at the federal and regional levels to develop scientific and applied researches, deliver lectures and seminars, prepare study and methodological guides, provide consultancy to students, post-graduates and candidates.

Keywords: labor market, employment, unemployment, economic policy, migration, manpower, regulation


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