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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The National Technological Initiative of Russia: formation and implementation issues

Vol. 11, Iss. 37, OCTOBER 2015

Received: 9 June 2015

Accepted: 23 June 2015

Available online: 15 October 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 22-31

Klypin A.V. Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance In the early 21st century, innovation became an important part of the Russian economic reforms. Russia strongly depends on imported high technological products and production means. The research focuses on the process of formulating the National Technological Initiative of Russia as a new direction of the sci-tech policy originated in the middle of 2014.
     Objectives The research identifies the key problems, which may arise while implementing the National Technological Initiative. I consider the need to determine causes of each problem and articulate proposals on how to eliminate them.
     Methods The methodology draws upon an analysis of goals of the National Technological Initiative as set forth by the Russian Government and comparison of two approaches to formulating the National Technological Initiative: the approaches proposed by the Russian Academy of Sciences and Agency for Strategic Initiatives.
     Results I articulated the definition of the National Technological Initiative and pointed out difficulties that might arise in implementing the National Technological Initiative. The difficulties may relate to using the already existing infrastructure. The article presents my proposals and suggestions on how they should be tackled.
     Conclusions and Relevance Currently, the National Technological Initiative should not follow the purposes of export markets only, but rather pursue socio-economic needs of the country and consider possible achievements of fundamental science. The findings may prove useful to develop conceptual and program documents as part of implementing the National Technological Initiative, and to take appropriate managerial decisions on formulating and implementing large-scale State scientific and technological projects.

Keywords: National Technological Initiative, consortium, import substitution, re-industrialization, innovation


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