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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Regional interests in the development of foreign economic relations of the Republic of Belarus: Evidence from the Brest Region

Vol. 12, Iss. 6, JUNE 2016

Received: 17 February 2016

Received in revised form: 26 February 2016

Accepted: 9 March 2016

Available online: 28 June 2016


JEL Classification: F10, R12

Pages: 122-136

Parshutich O.A. Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Importance Considering globalization and integration of global economy, it is especially important to form, run and develop the region's socio-economic system.
Objectives The research investigates how the region interacts with global economy, formulates a strategy for sustainable and effective development of the Brest Region, and improves the efficiency of the regional economy.
Methods I addressed my objectives using general scientific methods and techniques of economic, historical, structural and statistical analysis, logic method and methods of generalization and synthesis.
Results I identified the salience of the region's specialization in international division of labor during integration processes in the global economy. The article presents methodological drafts of the region's foreign trade. The recommendations and practical proposals help to articulate strategic priorities of the region's development, which allow evaluating and assessing the efficiency of the regional economy.
Conclusions and Relevance The Brest Region demonstrates the relatively low level of foreign trade activities and sluggishness of the existing production structure. Foreign trade ties of the Brest Region basically lead to the markets of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries, notwithstanding the proximity to the western borders, existence of the Brest Free Economic Zone and the effective project of the European Region. The region has its own specifics in foreign trade, which are opposite to the national ones. It results in the positive balance of foreign trade. This factor helps to find competitive advantages of the region to position it on the global economic arena.

Keywords: potential, foreign trade ties, integration, clustering


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ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 20, Iss. 6
June 2024
