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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Strategic directions for the development of the national innovation system of Russia

Vol. 12, Iss. 8, AUGUST 2016

Received: 24 March 2016

Received in revised form: 30 May 2016

Accepted: 10 June 2016

Available online: 30 August 2016


JEL Classification: F63, O14, O19, R11

Pages: 111-131

Filin S.A. Plehanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yakushev A.Zh. Plehanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The article discusses the issues of identifying the strategic areas of development of the innovation system of Russia.
Objectives The article aims to analyze the formation stages of the Russian innovation system and its current status, and develop the strategic directions of its development.
Methods The article uses the logical methods of historical research, comparative analysis and synthesis based on system information and system-cognitive approaches and principles of project strategic management.
Results The article contains system requirements and conditions for ensuring the possibility of adopting the innovation system of Russia as the primary systems integrator in joint innovation system of the Eurasian Economic Community.
Conclusions and Relevance We conclude that the innovation system of Russia, reflecting all aspects of innovative activities in the country, is the result of combining sustainable regional and local systems, the basis for innovative interactions within its borders and, at the same time, an integral part of the international systems in the course of internationalization of the innovation process and in shaping the world's innovation space. The proposed strategic development directions and forms of State regulation of the Russian innovation system through investment and innovation multiplier accelerators and other multipliers will enhance the process of transition to an innovative economy.

Keywords: innovative system, system integrator, development strategy, technological way


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Vol. 20, Iss. 6
June 2024
