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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Risk factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in the Russian Federation

Vol. 13, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2017

Received: 27 May 2016

Received in revised form: 11 October 2016

Accepted: 31 October 2016

Available online: 27 January 2017


JEL Classification: C01, I15

Pages: 192-200


Kiseleva I.A. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Zainullina E.A. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Simonovich N.E. Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The article analyzes the morbidity and death rates associated with tuberculosis in the Russian Federation. The importance of these issues necessitates this research so to analyze the general situation and undertake timely activities for preventing tuberculosis.
Objectives The research assesses morbidity indices to analyze the public health, examine the structure of incidence of disease and determine the general epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation.
Methods The research relies upon methods of statistical and epidemiological analysis.
Results We found risk factors of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation. Upon the analysis, we can presume that the disease demonstrates declining trends among the population of the Russian Federation. Health care resources should be reasonably used to early detect the outbreak sources.
Conclusions and Relevance The tuberculosis morbidity rates had been declining in the Russian Federation from 2000 through 2014, continuing this trend. Healthcare institutions identified less instances of tuberculosis than the number of patients was registered. The death rate is also falling. The Central Federal District shows the lowest death rates in relation to tuberculosis in 2014. High death rates are registered in southern, northern regions, the Urals, and the Far East.

Keywords: tuberculosis, morbidity, death rate, risk factors


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