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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Professional thesaurus is the framework for the innovative intellectual system of economic processes management

Vol. 13, Iss. 6, JUNE 2017

Received: 21 February 2017

Received in revised form: 10 March 2017

Accepted: 21 March 2017

Available online: 29 June 2017


JEL Classification: C08, D08, O31, P49, R49

Pages: 1114-1128


Panamareva O.N. Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, novorossiysk, Russian Federation

Panamarev G.E. Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, novorossiysk, Russian Federation

Importance This article examines and substantiates whether it is possible to apply an innovative mechanism for intellectualizing the management process in the maritime sector.
Objectives The research suggests and substantiates whether it is reasonable to use an absolutely new framework for intellectualizing the governance of economic processes, systems and facilities, thus forming the effective innovative and automated management system.
Methods The research relies upon principles of the theory of models, methods of logical algebra and the categorical and function theory.
Results We suggest using the professional thesaurus so to intellectualize the economic and geographic information system, i.e. the automated system for management of local land economic processes, in the maritime sector. We introduced the notions of professional, specific, baseline and current thesaurus, explained them and their isomorphism.
Conclusions and Relevance As soon as the management system is intellectualized through professional thesaurus, platform of the economic and geographic system and net-centric principles, it will become a new dialectical phase of the management paradigm both in maritime transport and economic space of the country.

Keywords: intellectual, management, economics, net-centric principles, thesaurus


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Vol. 20, Iss. 6
June 2024
