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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Analysis of options for the formation of the international security system during the clash of civilizations

Vol. 13, Iss. 12, DECEMBER 2017

Received: 12 September 2017

Received in revised form: 30 September 2017

Accepted: 21 October 2017

Available online: 22 December 2017


JEL Classification: F51

Pages: 2349–2362


Kovalev A.A. North-West Institute of Management of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Importance The article focuses on options for the formation of the international security system during the clash of civilizations.
Objectives The research determines the principal options for designing the international security system in line with my own concept of the clash of civilizations.
Methods The research relies upon historical logic and specific politological methods (event analysis, situational analysis, expert assessments). I apply the general scientific, comparative and matching analysis.
Results I identify principal contradictions making civilizations clash, and review historical milestones of contemporary international relations and international security. The principal geopolitical strategies were found to influence the formation and operation of the international security system. I point out the most appropriate strategy for designing the international security system during the clash of civilizations.
Conclusions and Relevance Nowadays the international security system is designated for peaceful resolution of existential discrepancies among civilizations, which arise from the structural and institutional crisis worldwide. To strengthen its security, Russia should keep friendly terms with developed countries of Europe (Germany and France). Currently, a new format of the international security system is originated implying the growing role of non-governmental private organizations. International security is ensured through specific activities of international actors, which constitute a political process and result of a reasonable and sensible policy. The findings can be useful for specialists of relevant military and political organizations. They can also be applied to develop special courses for secondary, higher and post-graduate education.

Keywords: international security, clash of civilizations, national security, security system, non-governmental structures


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