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National Interests: Priorities and Security

The methodological approach to adapting models of the innovative process to the Russian environment

Vol. 14, Iss. 3, MARCH 2018

Received: 16 October 2017

Received in revised form: 14 November 2017

Accepted: 20 December 2017

Available online: 15 March 2018


JEL Classification: Â49, Ñ10

Pages: 520–540


Pakhomov A.V. Dedal, Rosatom Corporation, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Pakhomova E.A. Dubna State University, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Rozhkova O.A. Dubna State University, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Importance In this research we study the interaction of three main structural components (University – Industry – Government) by analyzing the substance of the innovative process in principal foreign and Russian models of the innovative process and concepts of innovative systems.
Objectives We formulate scientific and methodological recommendations for adapting the innovative process models to the Russian environment by analyzing them and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.
Methods The methodological framework comprises fundamental and applied researches of foreign and Russian scientists into models of the innovative processes, the Triple Helix concept by H. Etzkowitz, L. Leydesdorff, institutional principles of innovation management.
Results Having synthesized the analyzable approaches, we presented the national adaptation of generally accepted models of innovative development kept by six generations, suggested how the innovation process model should be modified.
Conclusions and Relevance We demonstrate that national researches into modeling of the innovative process are still fragmented, requiring further studies and a set of approaches to identifying all institutional processes and substantiating certain structural elements to be introduced into the Russian innovative system. The existing models are not yet compliant with the economic substance of sectoral interaction, while institutional gaps among institutions and practices aggravate them.

Keywords: model, innovative process, institutional basis, Triple Helix


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