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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Issues and prospects of interaction among States concerned and their alliances in Afghanistan

Vol. 14, Iss. 5, MAY 2018

Received: 13 February 2018

Received in revised form: 28 February 2018

Accepted: 20 March 2018

Available online: 15 May 2018


JEL Classification: F51, F52, F53, F63

Pages: 955–971


Morozov Yu.V. Institute for US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Importance Currently, Afghanistan faces an upsurge of various terrorist groups, which join other ones after being defeated in Syria. Such threats should be counteracted. However, countries lack a common approach to resolving the Afghan crisis and finding possible solutions.
Objectives I analyze documents, views of diplomats and Afghan political experts concerning strategies of the main actors in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The article outlines some promising aspects for States and international organizations to interact upon in Afghanistan in order to stabilize the situation.
Methods I conduct a horizontal and comparative analysis of official documents and opinions expressed by the Russian and foreign experts on the Afghan issue. The research also involves the content analysis of strategies seen in the NATO, CSTO and SCO States, compares the outcome with potential opportunities and challenges to Russia in Central Asia.
Results I demonstrate that negative trends in the Afghan scenario affect national interests of the above States and regional security in Central Asia. Threats arising from Afghanistan can be curbed by concerted efforts of the actors, but this requires a robust dialogue among them. If the USA, Russia, NATO, CSTO and SCO do not come to common terms, this will escalate tensions in Afghanistan.
Conclusions and Relevance I generalize views on strategies of the USA, NATO, CSTO, SCO, China and Russia for Afghanistan. I underline the need to protect interests of the SCO and CSTO States in Central Asia through concerted actions of its members, avoiding the U.S. and NATO military missions in Afghanistan. I determine some potential aspects for the States and their alliances to address and open new opportunities for stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan.

Keywords: policy, strategy, SCO, CSTO, NATO


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  2. Batyuk V.A., Morozov Yu.V., Anichkina T.B. et al. Lokal'naya voina v voenno-politicheskoi strategii SShA v nachale XXI veka: monografiya [Local warfare as part of the U.S. military and political strategy in the early 20th century: a monograph]. Moscow, Institute for US and Canadian Studies of RAS Publ., 2018, 328 p.
  3. Morozov Yu.V. [Prospects of the U.S. policy in relations with China and Russia]. Problemy Dal'nego Vostoka = The Far Eastern Affairs, 2017, no. 3, pp. 42–51. (In Russ.)
  4. Luzyanin S.G., Vasil'ev L.E., Klimenko A.F., Morozov Yu.V. et al. Strategiya razvitiya Shankhaiskoi organizatsii sotrudnichestva do 2025 g.: iskhodnye realii i faktor rossiisko-kitaiskogo partnerstva: monografiya [The development strategy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization up to 2025: Background reality and the Russian-Chinese partnership: a monograph]. Moscow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS Publ., 2015, 168 p.
  5. Vasil'ev L.E. Bor'ba s terrorizmom na prostranstve ShOS: monografiya [Combating the terrorism within the SCO zone: a monograph]. Moscow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS Publ., 2017, 216 p.
  6. Matveev V.A. Rol' TsAR v “Ekonomicheskom poyase Shelkovogo puti”. V kn.: Problemy i perspektivy realizatsii initsiativy “Ekonomicheskii poyas Shelkovogo puti” v ShOS [The role of Central Asia in the Silk Road Economic Belt. In: Issues and prospects of the Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative: a monograph]. Moscow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS Publ., 2017, pp. 19–33.
  7. Klimenko A.F. Strategiya razvitiya Shankhaiskoi organizatsii sotrudnichestva: problemy oborony i bezopasnosti [The development strategy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Issues of defense and security]. Moscow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS Publ., 2009, 348 p.
  8. Morozov Yu.V. Strategiya Zapada v Tsentral'no-Aziatskom regione v nachale XXI veka: monografiya [The strategy of the West in Central Asia in the early 21st century: a monograph]. Moscow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS Publ., 2016, 375 p.
  9. Morozov Yu.V. Amerikanskaya politika i strategiya v lokal'noi voine v Afganistane i ikh vliyanie na regional'nuyu bezopasnost': monografiya [The U.S. policy and strategy for the local war in Afghanistan and their influence on the regional security: a monograph]. Moscow, Institute for US and Canadian Studies of RAS Publ., 2015, 152 p.

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