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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Forecasting the behavior of the innovative potential of an entity subject to macroeconomic regulation in terms of trends in the Long Kondratieff Cycle

Vol. 14, Iss. 12, DECEMBER 2018

Received: 5 October 2018

Received in revised form: 26 October 2018

Accepted: 15 November 2018

Available online: 14 December 2018


JEL Classification: M20, O20, O30

Pages: 2277–2299


Istomina S.V. AO Atomenergoproect, Rosatom State Corporation Company, Moscow, Russian Federation


Lychagina T.A. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation


Pakhomov A.V. AO NPK Dedal, Rosatom State Corporation Company, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Pakhomova E.A. Dubna State University, Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation


Subject We evaluate the innovative potential of an macroeconomically managed entity using our mathematical tools, field theory and vector analysis based on the Triple Helix concept.
Objectives The research analyzes whether the economic situation is predicable if we use the mathematical tools to determine the innovative potential of the macroentity and the theory of long Kondratieff waves proved by C. Perez.
Methods We review the total results, which were inferred with the mathematical tools intended to determine the innovative potential of the macroentity and the theory of Carlota Perez.
Results We forecasted how the innovative potential of the macroentity will develop, referring to the Russian case, exploring the economic situation within 2000–2015 and adhering to the theory of Carlota Perez in order to detect the phase of the long Kondratieff wave. The mathematical tools helped us observe the innovative potential trends for the given period. Combining the two approaches, we managed to figure out the further trend in the economic situation for the macroentity. The tools allow to forecast further economic developments by analyzing three components of the innovative potential – factors of knowledge intensiveness, profitability, productive capabilities.
Conclusions and Relevance Combining our tool and the theory of long Kondratieff waves, we conclude that Russia is about to face another technological revolution, approaching the forth phase of the Long Kondratieff Cycle. According to Carlota Perez's theory, the forth phase end is the time of great ambivalence. So, for smoother transition, we need measures to create absolutely new technologies, preserve and/or revive the existing expertise.

Keywords: innovation potential, triple helix, knowledge-intensive factor, profitability factor, productive capabilities, Long Kondratieff Cycle


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