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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Methods for countering the transnational crime in Russia

Vol. 15, Iss. 8, AUGUST 2019

Received: 20 June 2019

Received in revised form: 8 July 2019

Accepted: 24 July 2019

Available online: 15 August 2019


JEL Classification: F52, F63

Pages: 1564–1573


Dadalko V.A. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Pobedushkina V.A. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject The article discusses how transnational organized crime can be countered in Russia.
Objectives The study analyzes the current transnational crime in Russia and substantiates new methods for countering this type of crime.
Methods The study uses general methods of analysis, generalization and synthesis, and statistical methods for economic data processing.
Results We make several suggestions for altering and strengthening transnational crime counteraction measures in Russia. We analyzed the current transnational organized crime groups worldwide and illustrated what threat they pose. We emphasize the importance of strengthening the international cooperation to effectively tackle the issues. The article overviews the existing counteraction mechanism of other States.
Conclusions and Relevance It is hard to overestimate the damage transnational organized crime causes, invading regions and continents, to say nothing about certain countries. It is impossible for a State alone to beat such crime. Therefore, States should cooperate to disroot this global threat. There should be comprehensive efforts taken in Russia, with the existing methods being serious modified and expanded nationally and internationally. The findings can be used to reduce the percentage of transnational crime nationwide and strengthen the national security in Russia. The suggestions herein could help attain considerable results and improve crime counteraction indicators.

Keywords: transnational organized crime, ways to counter, the national security of the state, corruption


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