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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The business development environment in the oil and gas industry

Vol. 16, Iss. 12, DECEMBER 2020

Received: 24 September 2020

Received in revised form: 15 October 2020

Accepted: 2 November 2020

Available online: 15 December 2020


JEL Classification: D20, D21, D30, R11, R58

Pages: 2289–2302


Bun'kovskii D.V. East Siberia Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Russian Federation


Subject. The article focuses on different conditions for the emergence of industrial entrepreneurship and its growth drivers in the Russian oil and gas industry today.
Objectives. I provide updates on challenges to the industrial entrepreneurship in the Russian oil and gas industry. The article also discusses some aspects of the emergence and development of industrial entrepreneurship in terms of governmental control and the business–State relationship.
Methods. The study relies upon the systems analysis of the current cooperation between the business and the State and its specifics as determinants triggering the emergence and development of industrial entrepreneurship in the oil and gas sector. I also apply other methods of research, such as observation, hypothetical and deductive reasoning, comparison and generalization.
Results. The article describes core interests of the State and business and determines how they can possibly come across. I examines various aspects of business taxation and tax burden, viewing them as conditions for the emergence and development of industrial entrepreneurship in the oil and gas sector today.
Conclusions and Relevance. In the oil and gas sector, industrial entrepreneurship could develop sustainably if industrial complexes, public institutions and governmental economic regulators cooperate productively. Furthermore, the systemic and comprehensive use of the cause-and-effect relationship may help the national economy advance.

Keywords: industrial entrepreneurship, Oil&Gas, governmental control, development factors, enterprise


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