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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Internal and external marketing of relationships in medical organizations

Vol. 17, Iss. 6, JUNE 2021

Received: 1 April 2021

Received in revised form: 16 April 2021

Accepted: 30 April 2021

Available online: 15 June 2021


JEL Classification: M31

Pages: 1052–1080


Sergei A. FILIN Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), Moscow, Russian Federation


Roman S. MOZHAROV Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), Moscow, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Evgenii V. GENKIN Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject. The article discusses the marketing of relationships in medicine.
Objectives. The study highlights the specifics of relationship marketing in medicine, which contribute to the management efficiency and general profitability.
Methods. As part of the general methodology of the data systems approach, we used the project management method as part of the project-based approach and product/service promotion method as part of the marketing-based business management.
Results. We classify customers of medical organizations and relationship marketing tools, which contribute to a more robust management in medical companies, The article determines and analyzes the specifics of relationship marketing in medicine, which add to the management efficiency and general business profitability. We provide our recommendations on the implementation of the unique corporate culture, which create the competitive advantage, being typical solely of the medical sector. We also make our suggestions in the integration of the analytical system for profitability management internally at the corporate basis.
Conclusions and Relevance. Currently, there are basic principles for managers to act more effectively as situation may require. There the most important are the need in the practical marketing initiated by corporate leaders, and a possibility of the marketing activity, inter alia, involving customers and the public, which depends on corporate leaders' knowledge of marketing and general administrative competence.

Keywords: internal and external marketing, pharmaceutical company, healthcare organization, medical clinic


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