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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

All magazines 2011

 1(184) - 2011 January


  • Shevchenko I.V., Voronina L.A., Alexandrova E.N. Role of innovative system of high school in development of innovative economy of the Russian region (on an example of Krasnodar region)
  • Shumakhov R.V. Role of the market infrastructure in development of regional economy

Innovations and investments

  • Borisoglebskaya L.N., Maltseva A.A., Glebova I.Z. Formation innovative klasters on the basis of classification of technoparks for maintenance of competitiveness of development of region
  • Sharkova A.V., Tretyakova E.V. State and prospects of development of infrastructure supporting innovative entrepreneurship in Moscow region

Economy and management

  • Tatochenko T.V. Analysis methodology management strategy development of regional socio-economic system
  • Zubrenkova O.A. Role of the state support in development of small forms of managing in the Nizhniy novgorod region


  • Kameneva V.V. Hotel business of khabarovsk territory: questions of effective pricing

Social sphere

  • Beglova E. Phenomenon of “post-reorganizational” poverty in Russia
 2(185) - 2011 January


  • Toropcev E.L., Tatochenko T.V. Theoretical bases management modernization and economic growth
  • Belousov V. Regional strategy for socio-economic development: Current practices and trends to improve planning

Economics and management

  • Buhtiyarova T.I., Demyanov D.G. Perfection of organizational-administrative technologies of forecasting of development of system of consumer services
  • Mikhnenko P.À. Integration and disintegration as a factor of adaptive organizational changes
  • Torgachev D.N. Formation of the new theoretical paradigm of social and economic development


  • Shlykov V.V. The experience of the targeted syllabus of management in the sphere of culture and tourism The Constituent Territory
  • Katkova T.Ye. Perfection of preventive methods managements of fire risk in the forestry
  • Galkin D.G. Management of intellectual property in regional economic clusters (on example of Altay territory)
  • Altukhova M.V. The coordination of interests of structural divisions of industrial - industry towns

Foreign experience

  • Yanchuk A. Legal and regulatory framework of small business development in Pridnestrovian region
 3(186) - 2011 January


  • Toropcev E.L., Tatochenko T.V. Region - centralizing key part of the state's existence

Innovations and investments

  • Polidi A.A., Romanets I.I. The system of conceptual references in the sphere of investment attractiveness of the region
  • Antonenko I.V. Innivation and technological development trends in the regions of the South federal district

Economy and management

  • Sergeeva O.E. Portfolio structure of an estimation and a choice of perspective regional businesses
  • Kozlov S.N. Problems of equation of budgets of municipal unions

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Stolyarova O.A. The state support of development of a small-scale business by milk manufacture in the Penza region
  • Dudchenko O.N. Influence of scientific and technical progress on material base of agricultural production
  • Volcova N.A., Bucina Y.S. Grain sub region as object of investment


  • Kabashkin V., Sobolev I. Analysis of fundamental changes in the realization of public-private partnership projects under the influence of the global financial crisis
  • Boush G.D. Mechanism of clusters' functioning: theory and methodology of research

Social sphere

  • Bagomedov M.A. About improving the state regulation of social affairs of regions
 4(187) - 2011 January


  • Skufina T.P. Alternatives of development of the russian north
  • Shevchenko I.V., Alexandrova E.N., Nasybulina V.P. Preconditions and restrictions of development of regional innovative system of krasnodar region

innovation and investmentS

  • Antonenko I.V. Innivation and technological development trends in the regions of the south federal district
  • Selimenkov R.Y. The improvement of mechanisms of innovation development management in timber industry

Economy and management

  • Bereznova E.I., Kichaeva A.S. Evaluation of the influence of certain phases of the economic cycle on the formation of incomes and expenses of the population (for example primorsky region)
  • Ilicheva O.V. Social development of rural territories, as one of levers of development of the economical mechanism of managing


  • Sizikin A.J., Yanevich P.V. Institutional procedures of the development self-appraisal management quality cluster provision to life’s (on example housing-public complex tambov)
  • Zajtseva O.P. Methods subsidizing milk omsk region
  • Savostina S.E. Problems of the organization of retail retail outlet network g. Vladivostok


  • Platonova N.A., Zubakova N.N. Assessment of region's tourism resources as an instrument of their classification
 5(188) - 2011 February


  • Frolov D.P., Trubina V.S. Problem of the specification of the subject of regional economics
  • Abakarov M.I., Gadjialieva L.A. Methodological aspects of the strategic management of socio-economic development of the region

Innovations and investments

  • Nizhegorodov E.V., Sajneva Î.À. Information technologies as intstrument of improving of system of lifequality management (on example of administration of Tambov region)
  • Òakhumova O.V. Condition and tendencies of development of innovative sphere in the conditions of a globalized society
  • Pavlova E.I. State innovation policy in the Republic of Tatarstan: prospects and priorities

Economy and management

  • Yangirov A.V., Samigullina E. Åstimàtion tî åffiñiånñó îf mànàgåmånt in muniñiðàl fîrmàtiîns (àfter thå åõàmðlå îf thå Råðubliñ îf Âàshkortostan)
  • Klokov Y.A. Corporate culture of business organizations in Kaliningrad regional economy
  • Gitinasulov M. Modern condition and prospects of the development of the energy sector in Republic Dagestan


  • Voronina Ò.V. Evolution of forms and mechanisms of regional economic integration development
  • Shamray L.V. Labour productivity growth as the basis for steady economic growth
 6(189) - 2011 February


  • Pavlov K.V., Andreeva I.G., Sapryka V.A., Shmigirilova L.N. Formulation assessment’s method of projects and programs interregional cross-border co-operation
  • Richihina N.S. Role of the large and average industrial enterprises in development of small cities

Economy and management

  • Kiselenko A.N., Fomina I.V. The analysis of dynamics of the functioning of regional infrastucture companies (on an exemple transport of the Komi Republic)

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Zhevora Y.I., Litvinov E.A. Economic mechanism relationship between technical industry service and maker agricultural products in agricultural section
  • Chalova O.N. Intensive development of poultry farming In Penza region: unresolved questions and prospects


  • Mikhalev O.V. Regional features of formation of economic stability of economic systems

Vocational training

  • Mitina O.N. Modernization of communicating government orders is the training of specialists in the region

Innovations and investments

  • Rykova I.A. Formation of the regional financial infrastructure and role of the organizational-educational mechanism
  • Kalacheva O.S. The features of the innovative development of the russian economy on makro- and microlevel
 7(190) - 2011 February


  • Guskova N.D., Neretina E.A. The creation of the regional innovative development system
  • Petrov A.N. Process of re-structuring of regional economics: Inter-branch migration of labour resources

Innovations and investments

  • Karpus N.P. Perfection of directions and the mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity of agrobusiness in Russian regions

Economy and management

  • Burdenko E.V. State support of the shoe industry of Russia
  • Ivanov N.I. Use of the information of land management and real estate cadastre by working out of the according to plan-design documentation of social and economic regional municipal union
  • Fookina S.P. Influence of crisis on development of industrial production of region


  • Vinnichek L.B., Kolobov A.A. The production potential: the theoretical aspects of the subject matter
  • Gokzhaeva E.B. To the definition of the term «infrastructure»
  • Naumova L.L. The prerequisites for the industrial cluster forming to provide the competitive ability of the Kirov region economic system
 8(191) - 2011 February

Strategy of development of region

  • Shishkin A.V., Goreva M.A. Regional marketing in Russia: Theory and Practice
  • Lobova S.V., Ñhinyakov N.N. Social and economic development of municipal formations of the Altay region: lessons of the crisis

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Poluhin À.A., Repichev A.I. Prospects of the development market to agricultural product Orel region
  • Alieva Z.B. The analysis of system of calculation of rent payments at agricultural machinery leasing in republic dagestan
  • Petrova O.N. Analysis of formation of competitive market of potatoes of region


  • Kameneva V.V., Antonova A.N. Transport component in tourism infrastructure


  • Khomyakova T.S., Gurlev V.G. Development and implementation of the program-mathematical complex of the economic evaluation and management of housing and communal services
  • Bulatov À.N. Influence of efficiency of cooperation in the company on its market cost
  • Panfilova O.S. Analysis of interaction processes quality management system


  • Zueva K.A. Household sector development as used in financial and budgetary process in region
 9(192) - 2011 March


  • Pavlov K.V. Ecological problems of Udmurt Republic

Economy and management

  • Lepihina T.L., Karpovich J.V. Goal-programming as an element of regional planning
  • Knyazeva V. Organizational-economic mechanism of corporate culture generation in strategically oriented companies of gas industry

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Maklahov A.V. Economic interest of flax cluster participants - basis of efficient implementation of pilot project
  • Krasnova N.A. The evolutionary position and development of the conceptual technique of the economic content innovation activities of the regional agricultural
  • Kuprina I.V. Research of the market of milk and dairy production


  • Kundius V.A., Chermyanina V.V., Santalova V.N. The prospects of agri-tourism development in a region on the basis of economic cluster partnership
  • Martyshenko N.S. Research of structure of a tourist complex of seaside territory


  • Antosik L.V. The analyses of the barriers to entry on the markets in Volgograd region
  • Schichatov P.I. Some aspects of social and economic problems of development of regions
 10(193) - 2011 March


  • Makarenya T.A. The problem of the development of the efficient system power efficiency In large city
  • Rybalchenko I.E. Planning of hi-tech medical care: regional tendencies

Innovations and investments

  • Ivanova N.E. Models for financing innovation economy at the regional level

Economy and management

  • Skiba A.N. Clusters: realization of the system principle in spatially-institutional organization of manufacture
  • Demyanov D.G. Tendencies of development of regional social and economic system of consumer services

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Rodionova I.A. The changes of quality of labour relations in agrarian economy of the Saratov region
  • Frolova O.A. Historical aspects of formation of multistructure relations in agricultural production of Russia


  • Shishkin A.V., Goreva M.A. Hospitable cities as a new trend

Vocational training

  • Budazhanaeva D.Tz-D. The peculiarities and the problems of the development regional market services of the high education
 11(194) - 2011 March


  • Larchenko L.V. Updated Arctic: region problems of reclaiming and socio-economic development
  • Molchanova N.P. Strategic direction of state regulation of social and economic development in macro-region

Innovations and investments

  • Kruglov V.N. Ways of innovative development for the dairy sub industry of the RF agro-industrial complex
  • Goiher O.L. Costs of transaction that àcompanying the process of investment in the economy of region

Economy and management

  • Mishchuk S.N., Danchenko E.V. Migratory supply of labour-market of the far eastern federal district southern parts
  • Galbatsdibirova M.A. Socio-economic development of mountain region of Dagestan

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Dorzhieva V.V., Chimitdorzhieva E.Ts. Prospects for the development of grain economy of the republic of Buryatia in modernization of agro-industrial complex


  • Adamesku A.A., Voskresenskiy V.U. Key aspects of integration of Russian tourist industry into the system of the world travel


  • Samostroenko G.M., Chimitdorzhieva O.G. The ways of the development of informal systems of the territories’ promotion
 12(195) - 2011 March

Strategy of development of region

  • Aliev B.Kh., Aliev Ì.B., Suleimanov M.M. Priority directions of development of tax potential territories in the conditions of cyclic development of economy
  • Batov G.H., Kandrokova M.M., Kumysheva Z.H. The organisation of a sustainable development of economy of region on a basis of cluster formation

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Korotnev V.D., Chalov S.P. Features of financial support of small forms of managing in the penza region
  • Terzova G.V. The Role of Consumer Cooperation in the sustainable development of rural regions
  • Rodionova I.A. The features of functioning and development of the agrarian market of the saratov areas
  • Voronov E.V. Creation of agricultural consumer operating koopervativov for the more economical utilization of the machine-and-tractor park

Innovations and investments

  • Divaeva E.A. Regional innovative system as object of the analysis and an estimation


  • Tyupakova N.N. Features of the mechanism of tax distribution of added value at the regional level
  • Orlyanskaya G.L. Problems of staffing the production of chemical plants


  • Kuznetsova E.V. Methodological bases and the special feature of the guarantee of balance of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation
 13(196) - 2011 April

Strategy of development of region

  • Egorov E.G., Egorova I.E. Features of apolicy and Features of a policy and practice of development of multistructure market economy in Republics Sakhas (Yakutia)

Economy and management

  • Nikolaev M.V., Konstantinov N.N. The absolute and relative regional advantages diamond of the lapidary enterprises various forms of managing
  • Gavrileva T.N., Kuprijanova N.I. Problems of optimization of system of local governments In Republic Sakha (Yakutia)
  • Solomonov M.P., Tikhonov V.S. Association of the organizations of a municipal complex Republics Sakhas (Yakutia) as a modernization condition
  • Ponomareva G.A., Kuprijanova N.I. Factors of differentiation of municipal economy in the conditions of the North

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Darbasov V.R., Afanaseva A.V. Prospects of development of commodity manufacture and cooperation in agriculture
  • Nikiforov A.G. Increase of the role of the organized forms managing in food maintenance of the population
  • Gerasimov A.P. Development of personal part-time farms of the population in Republic Sakha (Yakutia)


  • Egorov E.G., Danilov Y.G. Transformation patterns of ownership in the diamond-brilliance complex
  • Egorova I.E. Dividend policy of joint-stock companies: empirical analysis, and experience of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Social sphere

  • Artamonov I.I. The institutional features reforms of the northern economy in sector of the social service
 14(197) - 2011 April

Strategy of development of region

  • Lobova S.V., Borisova O.V., Denisov M.S. Development of international economic relations Altai region with countries AS a factor in eaec sustainable development of rural territories

Innovations and investments

  • Islamutdinov V.F. The analysis of innovative behavior of the economic agents in the Ural federal district
  • Filippova I.A. Enhancing innovation and investment Ulyanovsk region on the basis of the formation of clusters
  • Tyupakova N.N., Bocharova O.F. Tax mechanism as factor of innovation activity development

Economy and management

  • Kirillova S.S. Improvement of the planning budget on municipal level

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Frolova O.A. Models cooperative and not cooperative interactions of small forms of managing
  • Chalov S.P. The state support of branch of plant growing - one of priority directions of development of agriculture of the Penza region
  • Kormishkin E.D. The intensification of the differentiation of the levels of the socio-economic development of regions in the context of transition to the innovative economic development model
  • Pimenova M.V., Parfenova S.L. Problems of machine-building complex development in Krasnoyarsk region in the modern period

Social sphere

  • Kalyugina S.N. Development of social sphere of the industrial enterprise as the basis of strengthening of its competitiveness in strategic prospect
 15(198) - 2011 April


  • Fedorova E.N. Potential of moving of the population of the Central Yakutia
  • Sukneva S.A. Demographic potential of the reproductivity in the North region
  • Barashkova A.S. The basic tendencies of change of the «internal» environment of the family
  • Sukneva S.A., Trubina A.V. Migratory typology of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • Barashkova A.S. Cohort analysis of population behavior in the marriage market


  • Naberezhnaya A.T., Pavlova A.N., Desyatkina L.I. Prospects of development of material-technical base of the social infrastructure of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


  • Artamonov I.I. Survey of the basic foreign and Russian models of social policy under the conditions of the regions of the north of Russia


  • Paul A.V. Development of bank system Republics Sakhas (Yakutia)
  • Bochkarev N.V. Actual problems of voluntary insurance of property interests of the population


  • Gavrilieva T.N., Tarasova N.G. Some issues of methodology for studying nousehold income and expenditure of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Vocational training

  • Tolstyh G.V. Some actual problems of vocational training in Republic Sakha (Yakutia) and ways of their decision

Innovations and investments

  • Gulyaev P.V. Technique of data processing of information monitoring innovativnosti administrative and territorial units of the subject of the Russian Federation
 16(199) - 2011 April

Strategy of development of region

  • Belskikh I.E., Nikulina A.Y. Regional features of the enterprises of chemical complex Volgograd region
  • Zakharova À.À. Methodological support problems of strategic planning of innovative development of region

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Gavrikov M.S., Dudchenko O.N. Reproduction and servicing of elements of material base of regional agricultural industry
  • Glechikova N.A. Food security situation of Rostov region in comparison with entities of sfa
  • Frolova O.Y. The influence of process transformation of economic relations in the agricultural sphere on the quality of living in region
  • Chepeleva K.V. Development of the infrastructure of the krasnoyarsk food market

Innovations and investments

  • Popova G.L. The invest climate of Tambov region in condition of the tax reform


  • Marinets I.N. Regional innovative policy and tools of its realization
  • Silka D.N., Dolotov M.M. Determination of construction enterprise progress trends
  • Goncharov A.U. Modernization of a mono-town’s economic system
 17(200) - 2011 May

Strategy of development of region

  • Ilyshev A.M., Ilysheva N.N., Detkov A.A. Information analytical support strategy innovative brekthrough

Economy and management

  • Petrov A.N. Process of re-structuring of regional economics: inter-branch migration of fixed capital
  • Belov S.S. The system approach in management of region development

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Frolova O.A. Organizational-economic mechanisms of the state support in agriculture
  • Sidorenko O.V. Stability of grain manufacture in regions of the central federal district of the Russian Federation


  • Chuvakova S.G., Sbusina M.V. Image of region and theoretical approaches to its classification
  • Vakhitova T.M., Gadelshina L.A. Development of interregional relations in the context of the deepening of the Eurasian integration of Russia (an example of RT)

Social sphere

  • Shabashev V.A., Shorokhov S.I., Gorbunov V.S. Relationship health and the level of income and work-social environment in regions with different shares of manufacturing and mining productions
 18(201) - 2011 May

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Sharipov Sh.I., Akhmedova Zh.A. State support of peasant farm as a factor of increasing of sustainability of agrarian sector
  • Saltyk I.P., Zuykin D.A. State support of grain production in force majeure conditions: problems and prospects
  • Pashina L.L., Bonda D.G. Resourse base of soya market or the Amur region
  • Frolova O.A. Personal part-time farms the nizhniy Novgorod region: the present and development prospects


  • Tretyak V.P., Kozlov V.A., Meshkova N.V. Lessons of European Regional Foresight

Strategy of development of region

  • Kormanovskaya I.R. The system of balanced indicators - effective way of strategic and operating administration of the region
  • Kuprianova N.I. Questions of legislative regulation of development of institutions of lokal government in Republic Sakha (Yakutia)


  • Kozlov S.N. Perfection perspective (strategic) planirovanija local budgets

Foreign experience

  • Alieva Z.B. Foreign practice of insurance of production of agricultural commodity producers on the example of the USA
 19(202) - 2011 May

Innovations and investments

  • Mashegov P.N., Soboleva T.S. Positioning of Russia's regions based on multivariate classification and typical regional innovative investment strategy
  • Simonov K.V., Peretokin S.A., Kobalinskiy M.V., Sibgatulin V.G. The socio-ecological estimation of influence on environment of operating and projected objects of the oil and gas complex of Krasnoyarsk region
  • Sadriev A.R. Innovation clusters in power industry: problems of formation and development prospects

Economy and management

  • Khrupachev A.G., Khadartsev A.A., Kashintseva L.V., Sedova O.A. Economic aspects of the labour safety on the basis of the quantitative estimation of professional risk
  • Bulatov A.N. Technique of a choice of the scheme of cooperation
  • Dulova E.N. Strategy of region development
  • Dukanova I.V. System of methods of the estimation of level of social and economic development of regional municipal unions


  • Panteleeva O.I., Belyaeva N.M. SWOT-analysis in the research of ecological and economical components of sustainable development of rural areas of kostroma region
  • Donskova M.S. House building and changing of land tenure in Moscow region

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Bolohontseva J.I. Sugar beet sub complex: the substantiation of transition to the innovative way of development
 20(203) - 2011 May


  • Ratner S.V., Akinina M.M. Selection of parameters of optimal management impacts on regional oil and gas cluster, based on simulation

Social sphere

  • Artemova O.V., Logacheva N.M. The influence of the enterprise operational management estimation on the strategy correction process


  • Klimovà N.V., Sahno M.Y. Economy of building on the Kuban as the institutional space of the development of investment-construction mesocomplex


  • Sazhin Y.V., Podolnaya N.N. Research of macroeconomic interrelations in regional economy development (on the basis of regional account data)
  • Bambaeva N.Y., Sitnikov I.V. Economic and statistical analysis of dynamics and structure of construction in housing market of Russian Federation
  • Trubnikova V.V., Savenkova A.V. The organization of interaction of real and bank sectors of economy of territories


  • Chalova O.N. Intensive development of poultry farming in Penza region: unresolved questions and prospects
  • Kislitsky M.M. Prospects of development of consumers' cooperative society in agrarian sector of regional economy (on the example of the Chelyabinsk area)


  • Omarova Z.Ê. Integracion interaction enterprise as factor of increasing to competitiveness of the regional economy
  • Mironova D.D. Perfection of regional infrastructure for developing the mechanism of commercialization of technologies
  • Grigorieva E.A. Development of the financial mechanism of formation by the local organs of the authority of lease pay for the municipal earth on the example of the Orenburg area
 21(204) - 2011 June

Priorities of Russia

  • Zaretskiy A.D., Ivanova T.E. Development of economic relations in modern Russia: from the association to the society

Strategy of development of region

  • Malkina M.Yu., Pikhteev Yu.N. Structural changes and the problems of modernization of region’s economics (the Nizhny Novgorod region example)
  • Nikulina O.V. Innovative development of the South of Russia: in the light of practice


  • Krutikov V.Ê., Yerokhin À.Ì. Optimize the cost structure municipal budget: the transition from estimate funding to finance services (experience municipality Kaluga)

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Klikich L.M., Sharkaeva I.M. Methodical bases of performance of efficiency of regional dairy food subcomplex


  • Kondratieva M.N., Balandina E.V. The state and the problems of the Ulyanovsk housing and communal servises


  • Kozyrev V.V., Chubieva I.V. Application of tools regional tourism marketing in the formation of the brand «Hospitable Karelia»

Economy and wildlife management

  • Fedoricheva A.S. Institutional background leveling environmental externalities within nature using activities

Social sphere

  • Hairullina D.I. Features of the homeowners
 22(205) - 2011 June


  • Pushkarenko A.B. Analysis of innovation development in regions which are members of Russia innovation regions association
  • Antonenko I.V. Implementation strategies of innovation potential of the regions of the South federal district
  • Vdovina S.D. Regional market medical equipment: analysis of evolution and structure (as an example the Republic of Tatarstan)

Social sphere

  • Kutaev S.K. Directions to the formation of a civilized labor market


  • Krutikov V.Ê., Shakirova U.S. Development and implementation of the mechanism of the state support of the rural tourism in the region (experience Kaluga region)
  • Kabashkin V.À., Tarasenko D.Ê. The perspectives of the development of public-private partnership in the spheres of sport and tourism in the regions of Russia


  • Soldatova L.I., Golikova O.E. Regional features of development of egg poultry farming in the Kostroma region, as object of economic-mathematical modeling
  • Alieva Z.B. The analysis of tendencies of pricing as element of the agro food policy of the country


  • Mitrofanova I.V., Gasparyan N.A. Region: evolution of approaches to the identification and setting up a typology
  • Zhubrin A.A. Valuation average total costs manufactures of the enterprises of meat processing of Mari El Republic
 23(206) - 2011 June

Strategy of development of region

  • Egorov E.G. Modernization and innovative development of economy of region
  • Egorov E.G., Efremov E.I. Idea substantiation about an export variant of large-scale and complex industrial development Kangalassky deposits
  • Krivoshapkin A.I., Nikiforova V.V. Features of mineral safety of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic


  • Somova N.Ì., Åfimova G.À. Investment supply of economic development of the region (after the example of oil pipeline’s «espo» construction)
  • Stepanova N.A. Small entrepreneurship as the strategic management object of the regional innovative development


  • Egorova T.P., Ershova E.L., Alkseeva K.I. The basic directions of formation of transport system Republics Sakhas (Yakutia)
  • Ponomareva G.A., Bubjakin V.I. Differentiation of areas Republic Sakha (Yakutia) under the nature-resource factor
  • Alekseeva K.I. Mechanisms of interaction of the state and private business in a road infrastructure
  • Pavlova S.N., Nikitina A.I. Informational support for forecasting demand for specialists in industry of the region

Agrarian and industrial complex development

  • Darbasov V.R., Egorov N.E., Gerasimov A.P. About formation agroindustrial clusters in Republic Sakha (Yakutia)
  • Turantaev S.G. Perfection of development of agriculture Republic Sakha (Yakutia) on the basis of the differentiated approach to zones
  • Stepanova A.E. Agricultural production on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the present


  • Naberezhnaya A.T. Differentiation of incomes of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


  • Aprosimova S.A. Features of pricing in a housing-and-municipal complex of region


  • Tarasova O.M. About prospects of the tourism development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
 24(204) - 2011 June
  • Buhtiyarova T.I., Fedorov V.V. Problems of social and economic development of mono towns of Chelyabinsk region

    Strategy of development of region

    • Minichkina V.P. Basics of methodology and methods of definition of economic and social efficiency of development of cooperation networks
    • Idziev G.I. Using the program-target method in the formation of industrial policy of Dagestan


    • Penugalova A.V., Kochesokova T.E. System of interbudgetary relations: problems and solutions

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Iljina I.V., Sidorenko O.V., Morozova E.V. Regional aspects of a sustainable development of agrarian sector
    • Stolyarova O.A. Socially-economic efficiency the market of milk and dairy production References
    • Chalov S.P. Necessity of perfection of system budgetary financing of agroinsurance

    Innovations and investments

    • Antonenko I.V. Modernization of innovation system of the regions of the South Federal district


    • Volkov S.K. Contemporary state and perspectives for development of the hotel service market in Volgograd
     25(208) - 2011 July

    Strategy of development of region

    • Pavlov K.V. Directions and forms of the state support of development of small-scale business in region (On an example of the Belgorod region)
    • Rudenko M.N. The concept of competitiveness of regional economies by creating large networks of promoting interaction and small businesses in the region
    • Polyanin A.V. Essence form and factor of economic growth region

    Innovations and investments

    • Kruglov V.N. Factors of innovative development of the rf economics at the present stage


    • Chub A.A. Some conditions the transboundary regions forming in Russian Federation territory


    • Doev V.K. Priority directions of development of sphere of services in tourist-recreational sector of economy Respublik North Osetia - Alaniya


    • Aliev B.H., Alimirzoeva M.G. Social and economic parameters of the Russian regions and perspectives of transition to sustainable development
    • Arhipov G.I., Arhipov G.G. Mineral raw resources Far East region: state and perspectives
    • Gitinasulov M.M. Regional electric energy complex: contents and structure
     26(209) - 2011 July

    Strategy of development of region

    • Ushvitskiy L.I., Ter-Grigoryants A.A. Prospects of innovative development of economy of Stavropol territory
    • Idziev G.I. The potential for industrial development of Russia Southern regions
    • Kerefov M.A. Priority factors of creation of a total regional product

    Innovations and investments

    • Gorodnova N.V. Monitoring of a social and economic management efficiency by state-private partnership in investment-building sphere at a level of region

    Economy and management

    • Dyrdonova A.N. Infrastructural support for territorial cluster development
    • Belov S.S. Formation of industrial management of territory


    • Chernova S.A. Prospects of increase of budgetary potential of the Russian Federations regions

    Social sphere

    • Kàyl I.I. Quality of state and municipal services as the important factor improving the level of living standards in the Russian Federation
    • Torgachev D.N. Priority directions of innovative development of social sphere of region
     27(210) - 2011 July

    Regional development strategy

    • Petrosyanc V.Z., Doholyan S.V. Prognosis estimations and scenario variants of the regional development
    • Dudchenko O.N. Synergy in system of material support of agricultural industry
    • Chuvilova O.N., Rybina G.K., Agibailova Y.S. Overview of information sources estimate the financial and economic development of territories

    Innovations and investments

    • Mikhalev O.V. Innovative activity and economic stability in development of regional economic systems
    • Vladimirova O.N., Djagel O.JU. Economic essence of the innovative susceptibility as bases of formation of regional innovative systems

    Economics and management

    • Rybakov F.F. The industrial policy of Saint-Petersburg and the efficiency of the capital assets' use
    • Kobets E.A., Kobets S.N. Gas saving and development of the gas sector of the city


    • Egorova E.N., Polishuk E.A. Using matrix model in ecological risk assessment of accidental oil spills at sea


    • Kàyl I.I. Present condition and perspectives of development of the process of organization of rendering of state (municipal) services to the population of the Russian Federation
    • Shakhbanova S.R. Condition and optimization of branch structure of small business in Republic Dagestan
    • Zomitev S.Yu. Features and prospects of development of the Oryol region dairy industry raw potential
     28(211) - 2011 July

    Priorities of Russia

    • Pliseckij E.L., Eremeeva L.N. Factors and prerequisites of innovative development of Russia

    Strategy of development of region

    • Balakina G.F. Ecological and ethnological concept of the depressive region development

    Economy and management

    • Silka D.N. On Regulation of Government Order in Construction
    • Filippskaya N. Modernization approaches to Russian power companies management

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Pavlov A.Y., Ilyasova A.V., Blohina O.M. Creation of cooperative societies as the mechanism of increase of industrial potential of small forms of managing on village


    • Khrustalev Y.Y., Botasheva A.S.-H. Role of ecological tourism in the regional economic development (The example of Karachay-Cherkessia Republic)


    • Karpushkina A.V. Evaluations of responses regional institutes of employment

    Economy and wildlife management

    • Larionov A.I. Infrastructure ecologically oriented investment market

    Social sphere

    • Kàyl I.I. Rendering of state and municipal public services in the Russian Federation: present condition, problems and perspectives
    • Yerokhin À.Ì. Organizational - economic mechanism of municipal services improving (on example of the municipality "Town Kaluga")
     29(212) - 2011 August

    Strategy of development of region

    • Akinin P.V. Modern social-economic development in the North-Caucasus federal district as new round dialectical spiral
    • Stepchuk M.A., Pinkus T.M., Abramova S.V., Bozhenko D.P. Condition and evalution ofo health development in the region

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Shkarupa Å.À. Development of small forms of agrobusiness: directions of the state support and the regulation mechanism
    • Dudchenko O.N. Synergy in system of material support of agricultural industry (the part 2)
    • Pantyushina O.V. The modern situation and the necessity of state support`s modernization og agricultural enterprises (at the example of flax complex of vologda region)


    • Khubaev T.A., Totrova I.K. Some aspects of food supply of the population of the North Ossetia - Alania republic
    • Chasovskoj V.P. Resource cycle of gold mining in the Chukotka
    • Chepeleva K.V. The analysis of a condition and prospects of development of the food market in modern Russian conditions

    Innovations and investments

    • Novoselova I.A., Smirnovà M.V. The estimation of the investment activity of the regions

    Economy and wildlife management

    • Stolyarov A.I. Genesis of small business in the Russian oil branch
     30(213) - 2011 August

    Strategy of development of region

    • Shevchenko I.K., Babikova A.V. Influence of integration transformations on process of modernization of branch structure of economy: regional aspect
    • Shekhovtseva L.S., Òjapushova Å.V. Theoretical and methodical bases of the integrated estimation strategic and current competitiveness of region
    • Mokrushin A.A. The forms of interaction between vertically integrated corporations and regional economic systems of the southern federal district

    Economy and management

    • Burdenko E.V., Bykasova E.V. Ànalysis of the structure of export and import of the production of the clothing industry within the framework of the realization
    • Rasuvaeva E.B. Formation of the industrial policy in the light of the concept of industrial development of the country

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Kvochkin A.N., Milovanov D.A. Methodological approaches for forming the agricultural cluster in the municipal district


    • Sterlyagova M.V. The complex approach to the substantiation of strategy of regional marketing in network economy

    Social sphere

    • Pavlov K.V., Pinkus T.M., Stepchuk M.A., Abramova S.V., Bozhenko D.P. Directions, forms and methods of upgrading the health care sistem in the region
     31(214) - 2011 August

    Regional development strategy

    • Sadkov V.G., Starikova L.I., Novikova E.V. The formation of the development strategy of regions and the efficiency of social partnership institute and its increase on the basis of regular calculations of consumer budgets
    • Dabiev D.F. An economic estimation of the Tuva republic mining development scenario

    Innovations and investments

    • Rodyukov S.V. The problems of financial support of science cities of the Russian Federation
    • Kashitsyna T.N. Regulations covering for the development of the regional innovation infrastructure
    • Polovtsev P.I., Sapogov A.O. Activation problems of households’ income investment potential in the region

    Economics and management

    • Gorodnova N.V. Objective conditions and forms îf formation of state-private partnership
    • Mokrushin A.A. The forms of interaction between vertically integrated corporations and regional economic systems of the Southern federal district
     32(215) - 2011 August


    • Sultanova D.Sh. Strategy of development of successful regions
    • Chernova T.V., Vasyutchenko I.N. The indicators of regional economy of agricultural-industrial complex (AIC) competitiveness in the foreign economic potential of the regions of the Russian federation estimation system

    Economy and management

    • Kreydenko T.F., Mironovà M.N. Small business in Russia: modern features, regional disparities and trends
    • Borodulina S.A., Loginova N.A. Analysis of the state and development of enterprises road freight transport


    • Sereda N.A., Kochetkov I.A. Development of the state support of agricultural investments
    • Stolyarova O.A. Problems of development of the dairy industry of the Penza region


    • Zamyatina N.V. Improving the management of regional and municipal debt in the context of foreign experience
    • Mefodyeva Y.V. Financial-economic aspect of result-oriented budgeting in the region


    • Morozova N.I. Planning of development of the regional social-economic systems in compliance with the criterion of the population life quality
     33(216) - 2011 September

    Regional development strategy

    • Minakova I.V., Kovarda V.V. Interchangeability and complementarity of resources in regional economy
    • Vasiljeva À.V. Competitiveness of the Amur region on the regional labour market


    • Shamin A.E., Frolova O.A. The economic mechanism of regulation of inter-farm relationships in agro-industrial associations
    • Filippova E.N. The role of modern industries and ancillary industries in overcoming the crisis agro-business and rural areas

    Economics and management

    • Chalenko V.I. The heterogeneity of information development in the regions of Russia
    • Soumskaya T.V. Conditions of effectiveness of budget process organization on sub-federal level

    Social sphere

    • Belyakova G.I., Frolova A.I. Design procedure’s perfection of the generatizing parameter of well-being’s municipal formations
    • Ahmadieva G.G. The main trends of impact budget expenditures to the social development of leading municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan


    • Baklaeva N.M. Some problems of realization of economic interests of regions in system of interbudgetary relations
     34(217) - 2011 September

    Priorities of Russia

    • Krutikov V.Ê., Shahmetova E.À. The activization of investment processes at regional level: results, prospects, threats

    Strategy of development of region

    • Sherin V.A. Correlation of strategy of development of region to theories of regional economy
    • Naumova L.L. Cluster as a modern form of regional development

    Economy and management

    • Bereznev S.V., Kudrevatykh N.V. To the question on definition and the estimation of functioning and development of the regional food market
    • Frolova O.A. Assessment of activity of different forms of managing in the Nizhniy Novgorod area
    • Tsukerman V.A., Goryachevskaya E.S. The role of small businesses during north regions’ transition to the innovation development

    Social sphere

    • Marinicheva L.D., Logvinova R.M. Evaluation of demographic processes in rural areas of Orel region


    • Markova J.A. Strategy of development of the economic tourist cluster in the Chelyabinsk region


    • Tronina I. Necessity of construction of telecommunication networks and communication networks in machine-building sector of economy

    Foreign experience

    • Turaeva M.O. The general and especial economic development of the Central-Asian countries
     35(218) - 2011 September

    Appeal to the reader

    • Inshakov O.V. Appeal to the reader

    Regional development strategy

    • Inshakov O.V., Fesyun A.V. Regional specificity of nanoindustrialization in Russia: general and special
    • Bekov R.S. Actualization of the strategy of the socio-economic development of Volgograd region to 2020
    • Inshakova E.I., Voloshina A.Yu. Perspectives of the megaregions formation in the Russian economic space
    • Kalinina A.E. Business development in the Volgograd region: problems, prospects, risks
    • Fetisova O.V., Kurchenkov V.V. Impact of the activity of the network companies on the development of regional consumer market
    • Kalinina V.V. The basic directions of development of the infrastructure of the industrial complex of region

    Economics and management

    • Frolov D.P., Matytsin D.E., Shamin Y.V., Sishkov V.A. Achievements and methodological problems of place marketing
    • Sokolov A.F. The effectiveness of executive authorities in the regions of Southern Russia
    • Sarkisyan V.G., Karibov A.P. Classification of the organizations on the scale in the management
    • Shevandrin A.V. Performance evaluation system of local government and its implementation
    • Polusmakova N.S., Trubina V.S. Model of the control system regional marketing
    • Moseyko D.V. Enhancement of the venture fund management on the basis of planning and budgeting methods


    • Bogachkova L.Yu., Moscvichev E.A., Zazulina A.O., Êareva À.S. Problems and ways for development of the distributive network companies at the liberalized regional electricity markets
    • Frolov D.P., Inyutina O.V. Institutional methodology of the analysis of shadow economy: debatable questions


    • Kuzmina T.S. Structural and functional model of agro-forest reclamation inventory
    • Bondarenko L.V., Sharkevich V.I. Sistemoobrazovanie in the insurance of agricultural risks
     36(219) - 2011 September

    Regional development strategy

    • Perekrestova L.V., Dyakova E.B. Technique of assessing the effectiveness of budgetary management of territorial development
    • Filippova I.A. Impact of the development of the region on the human capital formation
    • Verba V.A. The cognitive approach to the study of evolution conditions of the regional system
    • Chepeleva K.V. Infrastructure of the food market in the Krasnoyarsk region: the state and the strategy of the development

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Frolova O.A. Ñluster`s formation and development in the regional agricultural complexes


    • Platonova N.A. The regional program of tourism development: methodical approaches

    Social sphere

    • Bereznev S.V., Kudrevatykh N.V. Åstimation of level of satisfaction of physiological requirements of the population in foodstuff
    • Sirazetdinov R.M. The strategy of the innovative development in the housing sphere (on the Republic Tatarstan example)
     37(220) - 2011 October

    Priorities of Russia

    • Pavlov K.V., Pinkus T.M., Stepchuk M.A., Abramova S.V., Bozhenko D.P. Complex target programs as a form of regulation of health sistem development in the region (on the example of the Belgorod region)

    Regional development strategy

    • Molchanova N.P. Federal district: methodological bases of management
    • Shadova Z.H., Tappashanova E.O., Gendugova K.R. The market analysis of building materials in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

    Social sphere

    • Noskova E.V., Moissyeenko I.V. The comparative analysis of the condition and development tendencies the market of inhabited real estate in crisis and the postcrisis period
    • Chuvakova S.G. The research of the basic parameters of population economic welfare at the regional level (on the example of the Penza region)


    • Sidorovà N.P. Methodological bases of the economic estimation of various forms of managing in agricultural production


    • Suleimanov M.M. Municipal budgets of the Republic of Dagestan in the postcrisis conditions of development of the economy


    • Yashalova N.N. Organization of the stimulation of investment nature-conservation activity in the region
     38(221) - 2011 October

    Strategy of development of region

    • Ugryumova A.A. Regional society of Moscow region as a factor of innovative socio-economic development
    • Kurilo A.E., Nemkovich E.G. North of Karelia Republic demands modernization
    • Galeeva R.B., Galeev V.V. An analysis of the state of marketing in region’s enterprises

    Economy and management

    • Topical issues for small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow. Problems and prospects of credit and availability of public order
    • Metlyahina V.S. Comparative assessment of available and used economic potential of municipal regions

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Borozenets V.N., Ustinov A.V. Planning requirements for financial resources for agricultural production
    • Shediy E.G. Practice and structural features of formation of agrarian holdings of the Belgorod region

    Social sphere

    • Belchuk E.V., Marien L.S. Historical cities of the Central Russia in formation and development of the social infrastructure of the country

    Foreign experience

    • Yakovleva A.V. Features of unemployment insurance scheme in Chile
     39(222) - 2011 October


    • Vazhenina I.S., Vazhenin S.G. Ñyclicity of development of territory in economic space
    • Gubina O.V., Provorova A.A. Formulation of the regional socioeconomic policy in the conditions of the North of Russia

    Economics and management

    • Krutikov V.Ê., Yerokhin À.Ì. Approaches to the development of the municipal target programs (the practice of the municipality "City of Kaluga")


    • Kruglov V.N. Vectors of innovative development for the dairy subindustry of the agro-industrial complex


    • Skiba A.N. Systematic as a cause of fundamentals of nonlinear and n disequilibrium reproduction processes
    • Solovieva N.S. Measures to improve investment management in innovation


    • Panikarova S.V. Borders and structure of ethnoeconimy of region
    • Barlybaeva F.B., Akhmetov V.Ya., Berdnikova G.I., Tulyabaeva A.R., Sitdikova G.I. Network mutual aid in ethnoeconomy structure of Bashkir village

    Social sphere

    • Molchanova E.V. Influence of socio-economic and ecological factors on medico-demographic tendencies in regions of Russia
     40(223) - 2011 October

    Strategy of development of region

    • Gorodnova N.V., Khaykin V.Z. Development of the theory of management by state-private partnerships at a levei of region
    • Golovikhin S.A. Competitiveness of region based on the forming competitive advantages of regional machine building enterprises
    • Kotlyarova S.N. Approaches to research of the condition and development of the infrastructure of region

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Frolova O.A. The role of small farms in the agricultural industry of Nizhny Novgorod Region


    • Aliyev U.I. Institutional aspects of sub-federal debt

    Economy and management

    • Burayev F.V. RETRACTED: Regional factor in the public reproduction


    • Pulatova I.R. The regional industrial policy: questions of the territorial organization of manufacture

    Social sphere

    • Belchuk E.V. Cities as a basis of social sector of Russia
     41(224) - 2011 November

    Strategy of development of region

    • Druzhinin A.G., Kolesnykova I.G. «Territorialization» of big business: macroeconomic trends and the South-Russian specificity
    • Kutaev Sh.K., Gordeev O.I. Modernization of the regional economy at the present stage of development: the direction and conditions for the implementation

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Saltyk I.P., Zuykin D.A. The development of the material-technical base of the subcomplex of grain products
    • Stolyarova O.A., Podlesnov V.S. Prospects of the cluster development in the dairy sub-complex of the Penza region

    Economy and management

    • Krutikov V.Ê., Dorozhkina T.V. Provision of modern human resources sector of agricultural tourism in the region (on the materials of the Kaluga region)


    • Chuzhmarova S.I. Improvement of a Northern region’s taxation methodology of the added cost


    • Kalashnikova I.V., Vinogradov V.V. Transit container transportations: problems and decisions
    • Pulatova I.R. Theoretical-methodological aspects of formation industrial agglomerate zones
    • Abelyan A.S. The industrial policy: theoretical bases, realization practice

    Innovations and investments

    • Kruglov V.N. The model of open innovations as an instrument of the Russian economics development
    • Idziev G.I. Capabilities and limitations of regional innovation systems formation
     42(225) - 2011 November

    Strategy of development of region

    • Bereznev S.V., Mamzina T.F. Development of small business as the tool of increase of efficiency economy in the region with high concentration of single-industry municipalities
    • Yanshina M.N. To the question on realization of the modular principle at the formation of the concept of the industrial policy in the Volgograd region

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Lutfullin U.R., Sirazetdinov I.S. Formation and efficiency estimation of informational-consulting service in the development of agriculture
    • Ibragimova N.A. Modeling of integrated corporate structures in the region
    • Turkov A.V., Surova D.D. The mechanism of interbranch interaction in trade and agriculture sphere

    Innovations and investments

    • Nikulina O.V., Yakunina Y.K. Model of innovative development on the basis of optimization of clustering methods in the regional economy


    • Pavlenko E.L. Interaction of the government and private business for maintenance of competitiveness of the regional consumer market


    • Moskovkin V.M. Memory of the distinguished economist today Simon Kuznets
     43(226) - 2011 November

    Regional development strategy

    • Shitova Y.Y., Shitov Y.A., Mitroshin A.A. Comparative analysis of the socio-economic status areas of Moscow region
    • Sizikin A.J. The formation and development of a regional model of quality management self-appraisals


    • Ugryumova A.A. Systematic approach to regional innovative perception administration
    • Petrosyants D.V. Human development index in Russian regions


    • Sharipov Sh.I. Trends and prospects of vegetable production in the Russian regions
    • Belyaeva N.M., Sokolov A.V. Effective implementation of biogas plants in agricultural organizations of Kostroma region
    • Akutaev S.G. Assessment of the dynamics of manufacturing resources of food industry in Russia and Dagestan Republic


    • Martirosyan L.B. Analysis of factors affecting the level of demand and supply of ice cream market
    • Vdovina Y.A. Marketing of the cut flowers market
     44(227) - 2011 November

    Strategy of development of region

    • Ratner S.V., Karlov A.V. Interregional scientific innovation networks
    • Lapin À.Å., Ryabova O.À. Small business and self-employment in the Ulyanovsk region
    • Zlobina N.V. Strategic development of quality management systems: institutional and regional aspects


    • Shamsutdinova M.R. Directions of development of industrial policy in municipal union
    • Demyanov D.G. Substantiation of key parameters of the investment policy in consumer services system


    • Sazonov A.S., Topilin Y.N. Regional and municipal finance in system of a budgetary policy focused on the result

    Economy and management

    • Rakhaev B.M., Bakkuev E.S. Principle of economic selection and development of agrarian institutes
    • Idziev G.I. Features of governance of economy at the regional level

    Social sphere

    • Safranskai I.N., Maltsev A.A. Assessment of the effects from place marketing events: international experience and Russian practice
     45(228) - 2011 December


    • Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V., Zubareva M.O. Intercompany institutes of development of the Ural region (on the example of Sverdlovsk area)
    • Belskikh I.E. Moscow real estate market: in anticipation of a regional crisis of prices
    • Mikhel E.A. Intensification of social-labor mobility of population in border regions


    • Morgunova N.V., Omarov T.D. Role of investment strategy in the realization of innovative scenario of region development
    • Bolgova Y.V. Education system in the economical area of the region
    • Dorozhkina T.V. Investment in branch of economy of knowledge for formation of regional innovative system (on materials of the Kaluga region)

    Economy and management

    • Muratova A.R. The ways of development of the small and medium business: regional experience


    • Nikiforova E.N., Guryanova N.M. Category of «quality products» in the system of interrelated factors
    • Pulatova I.R. Regional economy in modern conditions: the problems of theory
     46(229) - 2011 December

    Strategy of development of region

    • Pavlov K.V. Regional and branch features of the intensification of manufacture
    • Gorezckaya E.O., Kosulina T.A. Methods of the degree integration estimation of southern federal district subjects of the Russian Federation in the world economy
    • Animitsa P.E. Formation of business territories in a context of concepts of self-development in the region

    Innovations and investments

    • Tronina I. Approaches to the efficiency estimation of nanotehnology projects

    Social sphere

    • Nicholskay V.A., Rozova S.V. Tver regional fund for housing mortgage lending: difficult way to affordable housing
    • Karabanova O.V. Problems of the human capital in the capital's metropolitan area


    • Volkov S.K. Features of marketing promotion of the Volgograd region as tourism destination


    • Belaya N. To question on the decision of the problems of rural enterprise in Russia: personnel, legal, organizing, material and technical aspects
    • Val’ko D.V. Development of electronic commerce in the regions of Russia: trends and prospects
     47(230) - 2011 December

    Regional development strategy

    • Lobova S.V. To the question of definition of territory as object of marketing of territories
    • Sergeeva O.E. Territorial administration tools in maintenance of competitive managing

    Innovations and investments

    • Zasimova L.S. Regional features of the implementation of new medical technologies in public hospitals
    • Dadaeva B.Sh., Abdusalamova M.M. Problems of development of human potential of the regions

    Economy and management

    • Nikolaeva I.V., Mestnikov N.A., Pavlova S.N. Management of the monocity development (on the example of nerungrinsky agglomeration in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
    • Efimchenko N.A., Stash S.V. Necessity of management transformation at the enterprises in the services of water supply


    • Rodionova I.A. The tendencies and features of development of large agrobusiness


    • Levchenko I.N. The analysis of the infrastructure of exhibition and congress business in Primorsky area
    • Vdovina Y.A. Problems and possibilities of the Russian flower market
     48(231) - 2011 December

    Strategy of development of region

    • Ulyanova O.Y., Yashchenko S.O., Chebanov E.I. Target orientations and problems of development of a regional social infrastructure in the conditions of economy modernization
    • Toskunina V.E., Smirennikova E.V. Natural tourist resources as strategic factor of development underdeveloped and poorly involved in the economic circulation of territories of Russian North
    • Rakhimov R.Sh. Åconomic aspects and problematics of development of fish branch of Primorski territory

    Innovations and investments

    • Idziev G.I. Innovative industrial development of the region and its role in the formation of competitive industry
    • Trynov A.V. Technique of adoption and realization of public-private partnership’s mechanism for regional authorities

    Agrarian and industrial complex development

    • Sidorenko O.V. Current state and development of regional grain marketing system

    Social sphere

    • Tumanyants Ñ. Incomes of population and social policy in the Volgograd region: comparative analysis

    ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
    ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

    Journal current issue

    Vol. 22, Iss. 7
    July 2024
