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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Use of the tools of the indicative management of program development of housing and municipal complex of municipal entities

Vol. 12, Iss. 32, AUGUST 2014

Available online: 19 August 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 57-64

Minaev N.N. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Shadeiko N.R. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Settlement Kyrgyz, Tomsk Region, Russian Federation

Kolykhaeva Yu.A. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, City of Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russian Federation

Seliverstov A.A. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

The work deals with the issues of indicative management tools for program development of the housing and municipal complex of municipalities. Significant challenges that must be overcome in the process of development of the housing and municipal complex require the application of new management techniques. In addition, when planning the development of housing and communal infrastructure in the region, it is a good practice to use the instruments to take account of local conditions and resources. As such, the author is recommending the application of indicative planning tool, which should take into account the possibility of a preliminary analysis of the situation in the housing and municipal complex and allow assessing the expected impact of the municipal development programs of housing and municipal infrastructure. In the present work, there is the author's interpretation of the system of indicators and controls, including the direct and indirect administration, as well as the unmanaged regulators. It is proved, that the biggest challenge in building a system of indicators is the search for a limited number of the most important indicators, reflecting and influencing the quality processes in the housing and municipal complex. When designing systems of indicators of development, one should also consider the priority directions of the development of the complex in a particular municipality set out in relevant programs of socio-economic development that will most fully reflect the individual characteristics of the municipality in the developed system of housing and municipal infrastructure. The paper concludes that the system of a limited number of indicators provides a view of the results and consequences of the introduction of housing and municipal services management models. Thus, one realizes a possibility variant of modeling that takes into account the non-linear relationship, perception of unadjusted raw data, as well as the ability to dynamically change of the model.

Keywords: housing and municipal services, sustainable, development, indicators, indicative planning, infrastructure


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