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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Multicultural strategy of higher school as a factor of enhancing of its competitiveness (the case of a regional higher education institution)

Vol. 12, Iss. 34, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 17 September 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 49-57

Ermakov Yu.V. State Polar Academy, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Chesnokova M.S. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Starobinskaya N.M. Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

At the present time there is a lot of talk about global competitiveness and of entering of universities in the system of global rankings. However, for the majority of regional higher educational institutions this path is closed. At the same time, these institutions have other competitive opportunities that arise, for example, through the development of the capacities of regional higher school institution as a multicultural higher educational institution. This strategy allows to improve the image of the higher educational institution and to enhance its brand. The article discusses the application of multicultural policies as a factor of competitiveness for the regional higher school. The authors demonstrate that the development of such skills is an important step towards an effective training in the conditions of Bologna process. The paper provides the basic characteristics of multicultural education. The development of these characteristics and capabilities of the higher educational institution is based on its unique resource complex and, thus, it is able to differentiate the educational services of higher educational institution that would provide it with the key difference from competitors and will enable to occupy a unique market niche. The article demonstrates that the most appropriate development of multicultural ethnic characteristics that generate niche orientation of higher educational institution is the most appropriate for the Russian higher educational institutions, at the same time it will greatly increase their public and social role. The article considers the case of multicultural higher educational institution with regional orientation - the State Polar Academy in St. Petersburg that through the active use of multicultural competencies has been able to take its place in the market of educational services and successfully develop their image in the Russian regions with high cultural divergence.

Keywords: competitiveness, Bologna process, multicultural higher education institutions, higher education institution brand, resource potential


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