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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Sustainable development of rural territories: domestic and foreign experience of regional programs development

Vol. 12, Iss. 35, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 21 September 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 32-38

Kuznetsova E.V. Penza State Agricultural Academy, Penza, Russian Federation

Importance A vast part of the Russian Federation territory is of a clearly expressed rural nature. The modern global challenges associated with the supply of foodstuff to an increasing number of the global population, struggle against the poverty, prevention of the negative impact on the climate and water resources, can be solved only by ensuring the sustainable development of rural territories. Thus, production of high-quality foodstaff and raw materials for food and processing industry comes to the forefront. In this regard, programs for a sustainable development of the rural territories, which include the perspective directions of the development of the rural areas, the innovative solutions of the environmental and social problems assume an urgency.
     Objective The purpose of the article is the development of measures to improve the sustainable development of rural areas.
     Methods To achieve this goal, I have solved the following tasks: studied the basics of the concept of sustainable development; analyzed the European programs for the sustainable development of rural territories; developed the activities aimed at the improvement of the national programs of the sustainable development of rural areas. Based on the method of comparative analysis, I studied the different aspects of programs of a sustainable development of rural territories of Germany and Russia.
     Results I have defined the most perspective actions for improvement of regional programs.
     Conclusions and Relevance I came to a conclusion that in the conditions of application of the concept of a sustainable development, it is necessary to consider an ecological aspect of development of rural territories, as well as to solve the employment issues of the carried out transformations.

Keywords: Keywords: sustainable development, rural territories, foreign experience, economic, social, ecological, components, regional programs


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ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

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Vol. 22, Iss. 6
June 2024
