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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Development of recommendations for the RF subjects' authorities on innovation policy adjustment

Vol. 12, Iss. 35, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 21 September 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 56-66

Erokhina E.V. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch, Kaluga, Russian Federation

Importance Because of the necessity of innovation development and improvement of the system of innovation activities management in the regions of the Russian Federation, a problem of the adjustment of innovation policy has acquired a special urgency. However, the currently available theoretical and methodological foundations are insufficient for the effective management of regional innovation systems and subsystems.
     Objective The article was prepared to develop the concept of management of regional innovation subsystems based on the correction of approaches and trends, existing tools and management technologies.
     Methods Based on the economic methods, I have analyzed various aspects of the innovation development and developed a concept of management of the regional innovation subsystems, which represents a system of views on the development of the territory through an increased susceptibility of the subsystems of regions to innovation based on the principles of transparency and nonlinearity.
     Results The analysis showed that the actual target indicators of innovation strategies of the regions lag behind from the planned ones. Using the case of the Kaluga region, I have identified the basic problems of the regional innovation systems development and set forth forcibly the specific measures for the development of a network of communication platforms for regular communication between stakeholders, training of innovative manpower using the new forms and expanding public-private partnership. Based on the findings and key provisions of the study, I consider the concrete recommendations to the State regional authorities. The results of the paper can be used by the administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, subjects of management in the process of formation and development of regional innovation subsystems, as well as in the educational process of the higher education system, professional training and retraining of the State and municipal officials and for other purposes.
     Conclusions and Relevance In the conclusion, I emphasize that in the conditions of regionalization and globalization, the developed recommendations on the adjustment of innovation policy enable to develop the territory by means of enhancing the susceptibility of subsystems of regions to innovation.

Keywords: Keywords: regional, innovation, sub-system, strategy, policy, openness, knowledge, intellectual management potential, workforce quality, educational level


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