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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The investment attractiveness of regions as a basis to improve the quality of road transport services and other indices of the Russian Federation subjects

Vol. 12, Iss. 37, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 8 October 2014

Subject Heading: Region development strategy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 10-21

Moskaleva N.B. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The main goal of the article is to develop a comprehensive set of measures enabling to create a favourable investment climate in the regions and municipalities to the projects under the public-private partnership. An emphasis is placed on the proposals with the respect of the road projects enabling to improve the quality of the social services provided to the population with the use of road transport.
     Objectives The scope of the research includes the main factors contributing to the creation of a favourable investment climate in the regions.
     Methods As a methodological principle of the performance management of an investment attraction, I propose a system-wide and multipronged approach. In addition to the above, the implementation of this methodological principle in the road construction, road rehabilitation and maintenance of regional, inter-municipal and local roads assumes the particular relevance. The research has shown that without attracting the private national and foreign investors, the regions will be not able to resolve the problem of the monetary assets shortage. The public-private partnership is the most expedient instrument to attract the private investments. In the article I analyzed the foreign practice of implementation of the public-private partnership projects adapted to the Russian conditions. I point out that my proposals may be used by the regional and municipal entities in the preparation and implementation of investment projects of the public-private partnerships, statutory and regulatory enactments on public-private partnership.
     Results These recommendations are of great social importance for the population, that is reflected in the enhancing of the level of road transportation safety for the population, in the possibility of providing of medical care to the residents of the remote rural settlements, in reducing the charges for foodstuff delivery, cargos for the population, in improving the level of an availability of transportation and the road transport acceptability. The recommendations also provide for an increase of the local population employment and they assume that the population will take roots in places of residence. The recommendations also envisage the growth of the local population and an increase of the level and quality of life of population and other socio-economic effects.
     Conclusions and Relevance In addition, I emphasize that the increase in the volume and the pace of construction of road projects has a multiplier effect in an area of the health development, education, culture, sports facilities, in housing development, in agroindustrial complex, and in power industry.

Keywords: investment climate, population, social services, public-private partnership, automobile transport


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