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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Urbanization and city regulatory issues (an Irkutsk case study)

Vol. 12, Iss. 40, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 25 October 2014

Subject Heading: Economy and management

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 23-34

Belousova S.V. Irkutsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Importance Urbanism creates the ideal model of a city, which implies a well-founded and detailed development plans. However, urbanization is a little tactics, although problems of cities including Irkutsk are comprehensive and systemic in nature. In Russia, there is no de-facto analysis of urban planning practices in cities, and there is no development and implementation of the fundamental architectural documents, full-fledged master plans of towns and master-planning practices.
     Objectives The aim of the work is to examine the current challenges and solutions to the growth of Russian cities in the light of the ideas of urbanism.
     Methods Using economic methods, I have analyzed the problems of development of Irkutsk. These issues, as well as their solutions, have been considered under three main sections: urban study, urban planning and urban regulation.
     Results I have considered the problems of town planning. This process, on the one hand, aims at improving the living conditions of the people and, on the other hand, does not provide the availability of channels and forms of participation of the people in it. Meanwhile, the development of the city in order to develop and expand local communities is the world's leading trend of urbanism.
     Conclusions and Relevance I have concluded that the problematic of modern Russian cities is the lack of sufficient development and town planning measures, among which the most important is the setting of goals and ways of development. The formality of objectives, ignoring the problems of formation of cohesive territorial collectives or communities as the main instruments of urban development are the most important problems of modern Russian urbanization processes.

Keywords: urbanism, quality of life, local communities, urban development, urban regulation


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