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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The efficiency of power generating facilities of the Northwestern Federal District in the context of the sustainable development concept

Vol. 12, Iss. 41, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 2 November 2014

Subject Heading: Region development strategy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 25-36

Larchenko L.V. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Grigor'eva T.V. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Herzen University), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Importance In connection with the global economy crisis, the analysis of the processes based on the eco-energy estimate which reflects the principles of sustainable development, assumes the relevance. We emphasize that these concepts are deemed as widely discussed since the seventies of the last century.
     Objectives The article aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency (with a focus on development sustainability) of generating companies in the Northwestern Federal District. The target goal contemplates solving the following tasks: to summarize research literature ideas about the sustainable development; to consider the structure of consumption of mineral raw materials by companies, and providing the Northwestern Federal District with primary power energy resources; to identify the specifics of functioning of the Central heating and power plants, hydroelectric power stations, atomic power stations; to provide indicators of the efficiency of different types of electric power stations.
     Methods With the help of the methodology developed by the Interfax-ERA agency for assessing the eco-energy efficiency of the economy (business), we have analyzed the efficiency of power energy generation in the Northwestern Federal District and its components in the context of sustainable development.
     Results In the result of the carried out analysis, we came to a conclusion that Central heating and power plants of the Northwestern Federal District possess the greatest eco-energy efficiency of power energy production. At the same time, the District faces the need for a qualitative modernization of hydroelectric power stations. We underline that the development of mini Central heating and power plants in the remote areas of the Unified Energy System has a potential for the further development.
     Conclusions and Relevance We came to a conclusion that in the circumstances of the Northwestern Federal District's economy, the efficiency of power generation stations, using the mineral raw materials as primary energy power, has great significance. Moreover, the indicated efficiency should be evaluated from the perspective of sustainable development. Our paper identifies the need for a qualitative modernization of hydroelectric power stations. We substantiate the expedience of the use of own resources of the region.

Keywords: sustainable development, power generating facilities, efficiency, mineral resources, Northwestern Federal District


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