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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

A model of formation of a nanotechnology cluster in the Udmurt Republic

Vol. 12, Iss. 41, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 2 November 2014

Subject Heading: Region development strategy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 37-46

Mokhnachev S.A. East European Institute, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation

Shamaeva N.P. Kama Institute of Humanities and Engineering Technology, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation

The article considers a topical issue of modern economic studies, i.e., increasing the efficiency of economic entities in the conditions of market economy through their cluster interaction. The article also describes the specifics of building a nanotechnology cluster in the Udmurt Republic, an industrially developed region. The authors define the strategic goal of creating and developing a nanotechnology cluster in the Udmurt Republic. The goal is to build a scientific-industrial centre to develop and produce off-the-shelf solutions and final products to modernize the economy using nanotechnologies. Under this strategy, which is realized by the partnership of small and medium-size businesses, State companies and Federal, regional and local authorities, the stakeholders mass produce high-demand competitive import-substituting domestic science-intensive products. The authors emphasize that for a full-fledged formation and development of the nanotechnology cluster in the Udmurt Republic, it is necessary to develop and implement a Program of project development of nanotechnology industry of the Udmurt Republic for the period till 2020. The purpose of the nanotechnology industry development in the Udmurt Republic is to develop high-tech sectors of economy on the basis of developing and introducing nanotechnology industry projects. The authors have proposed a model of a nanotechnology cluster development in the Udmurt Republic as one of the institutional mechanisms for managing the development of scientific and industrial cooperation. This model involves active interaction of the subjects of scientific-industrial cooperation (the State authorities of the Russian Federation, the authorities of the Udmurt Republic, self-governing authorities, industrial enterprises, research institutes, higher educational institutions, and infrastructure organizations) and enables to provide growth of production volumes of high-tech products, to increase productivity and to increase product competitiveness.

Keywords: clustering, cluster policy, cluster, nanotechnologies, innovation activity, project strategy, competitiveness, factor, competitive advantage


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