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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Foreign and domestic experience of State support of development of territories

Vol. 12, Iss. 42, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 3 November 2014

Subject Heading: Region development strategy

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 32-44

Plisetskii E.L. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance In a federal State-building and significant spatial differences in the economy and the living standards of the population of Russia, the regional policy aimed at supporting socio-economic development of the territories is very important. But the lack of effectiveness of this support explains the relevance of studying international experience of regional policy, which can be used in addressing the relevant problems in Russia.
     Objectives The aim of this study is to examine the approaches existing in different countries to the implementation of regional policy, including the choice of priorities and support to regional development from the perspective of a possible application in Russia.
     Methods The study is based on the methods of a comparative analysis and systematization.
     Results The analysis suggests that many of the approaches and instruments of regional policy, used abroad, have found application in the management of regional development in Russia. However, to date, there is no solution to a number of significant problems of the Russian economy: no reduction of the accumulated territorial imbalances of the national economy over decades; no clear economic policies with respect to remote northern and eastern areas of the country experiencing an acute shortage of manpower; no clear and consistent policy and spatial planning system that would reconcile the interests of the State and regions, etc. In addressing all these issues in the framework of targeted regional policy should increasingly rely on foreign experience.
     Application The material of the article is addressed to professionals in the field of development management of territories and can also be used in the learning process when examining the subject of "Regional Economy".

Keywords: territory, region, State regional policy, priorities, regional development, economic mechanism, regional policy, typology, objects


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