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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The formation of systems of targets and indicators to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the authorities in the region

Vol. 12, Iss. 43, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 20 November 2014

Subject Heading: Economy and management

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 34-44

Vlasenkova E.A. State University - Education-Science-Production Complex, Mtsensk Branch, Mtsensk, Orel Region, Russian Federation

Importance The article studies the issues of systems of indicators of the authorities' activity efficiency at the regional and local levels.
     Objectives The article aims to develop a system of key indicators for a comprehensive assessment of the quality and efficiency of social development, as well as the system of indicators for assessing the quality and efficiency of development of the regions and municipalities.
     Methods On the basis of the system-and-management, and system-and-information approaches of a system analysis, I have analyzed such components of managerial influence as the quality of life of citizens, environmental quality and the efficiency of use of natural resources, the quality and efficiency of the social development. I have also defined the relationship of the system of indicators of the quality and efficiency of the social development. I highlighted that an integrated system of socio-economic indicators for the effective management of life activity should include a system of indicators of resource potential of national development, the system of national accounts, the system of indicators of quality of life, and the system of indicators of environmental quality. I defined the approaches to the effective creation of the statistical indicators system for the analysis and evaluation of management quality and efficiency of social development. The paper presents the directions of the information support improvement of regional and municipal management, and also proposes the introduction and use of accounting for universal array of information contained in the Certificate of Enterprise.
     Results I have developed a system of key indicators, which characterize the ultimate outcomes of society and economy.
     Conclusions and Relevance The conclusion is that the effective management of complex development of regions and municipalities requires the development of the program of regional-municipal information system development and statistics modernization, the implementation of an integral system of measures, including the improvement of methodological, information and technological, organizational approaches to the regional and municipal statistics development taking into account the system of division of functions of the Federal center and regions, and municipalities.

Keywords: indicators, quality evaluation, authorities, activity efficiency, key performance indicators model, information, regional management, local management, life quality, environmental development, social development


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