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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Spatial development of rural periphery: methodology and main research results

Vol. 12, Iss. 45, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 4 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-16

Trotskovskii A.Ya. Institute of Economics and Management of Industrial Production, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russian Federation

Mishchenko I.V. International Institute of Economics, Management and Informational Systems, Altai State University, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russian Federation

Mishchenko O.A. International Institute of Economics, Management and Informational Systems, Altai State University, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russian Federation

Importance The regional rural periphery is a complex socio-territorial subsystem, which operates and develops on the basis of a combination of self-organization and management. The effective management of such a system is determined by the extent of understanding and using of the consistent patterns of the spatial development of the rural periphery. The article deals with the rural periphery structure as a combination of various center and periphery types of the territories. We identify the main mechanisms of the intraregional space development, required when developing programs for sustainable development.
     Objectives The article aims at the elaboration of methodological approaches to an analysis of the territorial aspects of the regional rural periphery and the development of recommendations on regulation of its spatial development.
     Methods We offer a technique of socio-economic development evaluation of the rural periphery, which represents a three-step procedure. In the first step, all rural areas are distributed along the center-periphery axis. In the second step, we construct private classifications of the rural municipal districts of the province according to the acuteness of the problems of economic development, demography and social sphere. In the third step, the obtained private classifications are superimposed on the typology of rural areas with various center-periphery situations.
     Results We have developed a comprehensive methodology for the assessment of socio-economic development of center-periphery types of rural territories, which allowed to assess the basic consistent patterns of their development, and also to develop a series of recommendations to improve its management.
     Conclusions and Relevance The findings contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic policy of region's spatial development management, aimed at reducing the disparities of the territorial administrative and legal entities in terms of the economic and social development. The proposed general approaches, as well as the specific recommendations can be used in the process of formation of the program of the sustainable development of rural areas.

Keywords: region, regional, intraregional space, center-periphery system, rural territories, comprehensive method, spatial development


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