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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Economic-mathematical modeling as a function of control (a case study of regional gas industry enterprise)

Vol. 12, Iss. 45, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 4 December 2014

Subject Heading: Economy and management

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 46-61

Semenov K.S. Avtogradbank, Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Importance In modern conditions of economic-mathematical modeling of the development and activity of an enterprise, in general, the specialized tools of analysis and management decisions become a powerful competitive advantage. This confirms the relevance of the chosen research topic and the need to develop the specialized methodological tools to improve the development management and gas industry enterprises investment.
     Objectives The research of the theoretical aspects of industrial enterprises' development was carried out with the refinement of the conceptual device of control and its complement by functions of economic-mathematical modeling with concrete proposals and application of the model.
     Methods The works of domestic and foreign economic scientists in the theory and practice of management, production management, development management and investment, modeling, investment planning are a theoretical-methodological basis of the research. Using my economic-mathematical models of analysis and management of efficiency, and on the basis of econometric methods, I substantiate the significance of economic-mathematical modeling as a control function. I have used the dialectic principle, which reveals the research possibilities of the development management mechanisms and investment in the dynamics and interactions.
     Results I have expanded and clarified the conceptual apparatus of development management, including a proposal and justification for the new management introduction - my own definition of the economic and mathematical modeling. The applied development and approbation confirm and further substantiate my theoretical conclusions and suggestions. Management should be seen as a single process of planning, management decision-making, organization, motivation, control, monitoring, analysis, accounting, economic-mathematical modeling and other components. I have developed and tested a model of analysis and management of the efficiency, regarding the operation, investment and financial activities, and the aggregate results of industrial companies, which ensure the formation and management of the enterprise's efficiency enhancement.
     Conclusions and Relevance I came to a conclusion on the validity of the economic-mathematical modeling examination as a function of management and the possibility to use my model in practice. Economic-mathematical modeling in economic-mathematical form reflects the development of enterprises and enables to ensure the improvement of its analysis and management.

Keywords: region, regional, economic-mathematical modeling, development, gasoil complex enterprise, control function


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ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 22, Iss. 6
June 2024
