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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Analysis of the structure of innovation brand of a territory using cognitive modeling

Vol. 12, Iss. 47, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 11 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 26-35

Kopylov A.V. Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Tsygankova V.N. Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

The paper aims to identify the principles of building innovation brands and analyze their structure. This is due to the search for competitive advantages of Russian regions, which is characterized by scarce resources and lack of experience in this field. The authors consider a marketing approach to management of territories, when building an image of a region becomes a guarantee of successful development and a source of additional resource attraction. An innovation brand requires systematized efforts to develop territories. The brand bases on the existing innovation potential and innovation activity, which are supplemented by social initiatives. The brand application in the Russian context requires consolidation of the efforts of researchers, entrepreneurs, regional authorities, and the population. Therefore, to create additional competitive advantages it is necessary to develop a strategy of building and promoting a regional brand, which should contribute to diversification of a region. The results will assist in better planning of regional innovation policy, removing institutional traps, and developing initiatives to build an innovative region. The authors applied cognitive maps to analyze relationships between the main participants of innovation activities, which allow simulating various parameters of innovative development of a territory. The authors disclose the order of building a static map of relationship based on expert estimates, which enables to get rating evaluations of interaction of different factors, to determine types of links, to reveal the characteristics of direct and backward linkages, to identify the factors that may have a harmful or inhibitory effect on innovation brand and the economy of a region. The findings will facilitate more qualitative planning of regional innovation policy, elimination of institutional traps and development of initiatives on building an innovative region. Using the cognitive modeling will promote solving the problems of visualization of existing models of territory development. It will also facilitate determining effective and ineffective relationships, developing an innovation policy, which will eliminate negative interactions, identifying possible use of internal and external factors required for building a brand.

Keywords: region, brand, regional planning, innovation, activity, competitive advantages, cognitive map


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