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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Formation of a mechanism for prevention of occupational diseases in the industrial cluster

Vol. 12, Iss. 48, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 18 December 2014

Subject Heading: Social sphere

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 36-47

Lepikhina T.L. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Perm Krai, Russian Federation

Anisimova E.L. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Perm Krai, Russian Federation

Importance The article deals with health protection and examines the deteriorating demographic situation, the aging process, an increase in population incidence, including the vocational one. The dynamics of population health indicators highlights the need for a qualitative breakthrough in health care age groups.
     Objectives The goal of the paper is to give an opportunity to improve health through innovation-oriented clusters and determine the structure of occupational health management, which should include the basic elements of creating an enabling work environment and a democratic environment in the cluster, the effective stimulation of personnel, promotion of healthy lifestyles, the joint liability of the employee, employer and the State.
     Methods The theoretical basis of the study were fundamental works of domestic and foreign authors on economics and modern economic science, research in the field of public health. In the process of analysis we used theoretical, methodological and practical materials, analytical information of research institutions, State statistics bodies, centers and departments. Also we used the economic-statistical methods (comparison, grouping, and analysis of absolute and relative values), graphics and index methods, algorithm development of managerial decisions, comparative mapping and mathematical modelling. To study the trends, patterns and conditions of functioning and development of the clusters, we have applied methods and tools of a spatial analysis of cities and regions.
     Results We have considered the tendencies towards innovative concept development. The cluster approach allows creating a new growth point for the internal and external capacity, innovation and investment to change the environment, for the development of health management. We have analyzed the health status indicators for the population dynamics of occupational diseases in the Russian Federation and Perm Krai. We have specified problems and submitted new solutions. We propose a model of not only innovation, but socially oriented cluster as well, which can be implemented in health management programs.
     Conclusions We have concluded that cluster transformations will change the negative trends in the management of occupational health.

Keywords: innovation, industrial, cluster, environment, social infrastructure, health preservation, occupational health, health management


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Vol. 22, Iss. 6
June 2024
