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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The present-day problems of youth migration of the Kirov region

Vol. 12, Iss. 48, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 18 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 48-58

Chernyshev K.A. Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russian Federation

Importance The article covers the problems of migration in the region, relevant not only for the Kirov region, but also for other depressive regions of the Russian Federation.
     Objectives The objective is to study the essence of youth migration and analyze the migration of population aged 14 to 29 years in the Kirov region.
     Methods The study found the prevalence of sociological methods in the study of youth migration. The primary information base for research was the statistical data, including information on the gender and age structure of migrants of the Kirov region in 2000-2013. I have examined the intensity of youth migration of the Kirov region, its types, directions and implications for the region. As well, I have considered the theoretical problems in studies of youth migration and analyzed the recent research on the topic. I submit the signs of youth as a socio-demographic group and features of youth migration. As well, I submit changing of the proportion of young people in the population structure of the Kirov region and the research of different streams of youth migration in 2000-2013. I have specified the international, interregional and intraregional migration of youth of the Kirov region as a region of the depressive type. I have identified the characteristic of the migration of young people and the factors affecting the territorial mobility of different gender and age groups of youth in the region.
     Results My article describes approaches that may be useful to the regional authorities in developing a system of measures to retain youth in the Kirov region.
     Conclusions and Relevance The conclusion is that non-compensable leave of young people is becoming a serious problem for the region. Its consequence is the increasing pressure on the working-age population and the social sphere. To maintain the demographic potential of the Kirov region, a complex of actions is urgent-required.

Keywords: migration, regional level, youth, depressed region, Kirov region


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