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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Industrial and residential cluster as the first step towards

Vol. 13, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 8 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-18

Krupina N.N. Institute of Service, Tourism and Design, Branch of North Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation

Importance The article deals with the problems of the present-day urban environment as the existing forms of urban and municipal services management have become outdated and do not meet modern demands. The "Smart cities" projects in the Russian Federation enable not only to improve the life of citizens, but also to contribute to enhancing investment attractiveness of the country on the whole.
     Objectives The goal of the research is to clarify the conditions of building and successful functioning of industrial and residential cluster within an industrial city as an innovative tool in the system of public-private and social partnership.
     Methods During my study of the problems of modern urban environment, I applied the method of system analysis, statistical and normative methods, and ecological-economic evaluation of urban environment. I presented the characteristics of the cluster's elements, including the description of the elements from a perspective of "smart environment", and compared its intrinsic features. I conclude that the industrial-residential cluster is a part of industrial city. It has a sanitary and protection zone as its core, and the sustainability of urban environment is determined by marking, barrier-contact, environmentally friendly, architecture and landscape, monitoring and reserve functions of the core. I have highlighted the key interests of an enterprise, the State and local community in the cluster development and defined specific principles of its management. The study determines the level of commercial potential of the facilities of urban landscaping and improvement of the territory of the cluster's core.
     Results The research findings may be used in the fields of urban, regional and municipal management, for organization of rational management of natural resources and environment-related activities of industrial enterprises, as well as in academic and awareness-building activities.
     Conclusions and Relevance As the result of the research, I substantiated and described the cluster initiative as a potential tool of building "Smart city" elements; identified factors of clustering based on the social, ecological and economic sustainability criteria; formulated an approach to organization of mutually advantageous partnership to resolve conflicting socio-environmental problems of urban territory. I also showed a possibility of developing a self-recoupment mechanism for a portion of non-commercial expenditures to encourage business to solve socially significant tasks.

Keywords: geographical area, "smart city", intelligent systems, industrial-residential cluster, core, regional economy, sanitary-protecting zone, marking, function, barrier-contact, environmental, architectural, landscape, monitoring


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