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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Development of non-agricultural activities in rural areas of the industrial and agricultural region

Vol. 13, Iss. 2, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 12 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 39-47

Pavlov A.Yu. Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Kudryavtsev A.A. Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Karmyshova Yu.V. Penza State Technological University, Zarechny, Penza Region, Russian Federation

Importance The article deals with the outflow of the most active part of the rural population in the city, as is the case for almost all industrial and agricultural areas of the Russian Federation. The diversification of the rural economy, on the basis of non-agricultural activities, will help overcome the negative tendencies in the development of these territories, including the lack of adequately paying jobs.
     Objectives The purpose of the study is the development of alternative employment for the well-being of rural residents by creating new jobs and maintaining the existing ones.
     Methods For the analysis, we used economic-statistical methods. We have analyzed various aspects of the development of non-agricultural activities in rural areas of the industrial and agricultural region and identified the most effective directions of economic diversification for the municipal districts of the Penza region.
     Results We are proposing a selective approach to encourage the development of non-agricultural activities in individual municipal areas of the region, taking into account local characteristics. As a priority area for diversification of the rural economy for all districts of the Penza region, we offer domestic and social-cultural services that will attract young people to rural areas, and will contribute to the development of rural tourism, increase entrepreneurial activity and improve the sustainability of rural areas.
     Conclusions and Relevance We concluded that the rural entrepreneurs need not only subsidized loans, but State support as well, which will help them acquire the equipment for drying, freezing and storage of fruits, berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants. The Government support should also be available to organizations and businesses not related to categories of agricultural producers.

Keywords: village, industrial and agricultural area, non-agricultural employment, rural tourism, forestry resources, State program


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