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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Regional projection of the indicative-targeted approach to reproduction of labor resources in the face of external threats

Vol. 13, Iss. 5, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 1 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 51-60

Aguzarova L.A. North Ossetia State University, Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Russian Federation

Importance The article substantiates the possibility of applying an indicative and purposive approach to management of social and labor potential reproduction of the region in accordance with the new macroeconomic imperatives formed under the impact of sanctions which is quite important in the current economic system of the State.
     Objectives The paper's aim is to research the role and importance of regional planning, to define its elements. In addition, it discusses diagnosis of conditions of the reproduction of social and labor potential of the territory as one of the important stages of development of regional socio-economic development. For a more detailed assessment of regional conditions of formation and development of social and labor potential of the region, as well as to identify trends and factors, it is necessary to analyze the changes of particular indicators in dynamics.
     Methods In this article, using search, scientific and research methods, I provided an indicative and purposive management approach to the process of social and labor potential reproduction of the territory. I also gave a definition of indicative planning as alternative policy to planning method operating by performance indicators.
     Results The findings reveal the problems of indicative and purposive approach to the labor resources reproduction in the face of external threats, as well as its advantages.
     Conclusions and Relevance The paper identifies the main directions of strategy of social and labor potential development of region, and namely: infrastructure development, ensuring the population employment; expansion of the functional role of employment services and employment agencies; encouraging of interaction between educational institutions and the real sector enterprises through targeted training of qualified specialists on the basis of social partnership mechanisms; creation of conditions to attract and retain qualified personnel in the region; improving the quality and standard of living of population and the development of socio-cultural sphere, and other issues.

Keywords: indicative and purposive approach, region, social and labor potential, reproduction, macroeconomic instability, import substitution, regional planning


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