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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The impact of innovation on the socio-economic development of territories: the problems of regions with intensive use of natural resources

Vol. 13, Iss. 7, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 9 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 16-27

Pogodaeva T.V. Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation

Zhaparova D.V. Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation

Importance In the context of slackening of the rates of economic growth and continued deepening of the Russian regions' social and economic differentiation, the problem of identification and implementation of spatial development factors has appeared on the agenda. In this respect, studying the innovation factors' impact on the social and economic development attains a particular interest.
     Objectives The article aims to analyze and evaluate how innovation factors impact the social and economic development of the Russian regions, as well as to determine the specifics of the Tyumen region's innovative development as a region of intensive use of natural resources. Another aim is to develop practical recommendations for innovative development stimulation at the present stage.
     Methods Using the abstract-logical method and a system of procedures of economic, statistical and econometric analyses, we have examined the Russian regions' innovative development. The paper defines their differentiation, and highlights the distinctive features of intensive use of regions' natural resources. We have constructed an econometric model of innovation factors' impact on social and economic development of the Russian regions. The analysis findings indicate an imbalance of regions' innovative development, which is determined by absence of significant impact of indicators that characterize the process of innovation adoption. The analysis of the Tyumen region's innovative development as an area of intensive use of natural resources indicates the relative lagging behind of not only the leading regions, but also the regions with mean values. We substantiate the necessity of institutional changes in order to stimulate innovative development of business, and in the first place, of innovative development of the oil and gas sector, which can act as an "engine" of region's innovation development.
     Results We conclude that the necessity of enhancing the innovative development serves as a challenge to the regional policy. It determines high significance of innovative development for social and economic development of a region.
     Conclusions and Relevance In order to accomplish the set objectives, it is necessary to form and develop regional innovation systems, which will take into account the specifics of a region, and will rely on their competitive advantages.

Keywords: region, innovative development, social-economic development, natural resource, intensive use, region, oil, gas, sector, institutional environment


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