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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Using the design methodology in the development of federal districts of the Russian Federation

Vol. 13, Iss. 7, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 9 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 28-38

Loginov M.P. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation

Murinovich A.A. Chief Editor of "Real Tagil" TV-channel, Nizhny Tagil, Russian Federation

Importance Comprehensive development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is based on the use of large regional projects involving various resources. Under the conditions of crisis phenomena in the economy, the problems of project management and interregional cooperation development in complex projects at the level of Federal districts have become more urgent. As a rule, independently a region is not able to implement several major projects simultaneously. It requires cooperation with other regions and participation in investment projects of various federal agencies.
     Objectives The purpose of the research is to improve interregional projects management to insure the sustainable development of the Russian Federation regions.
     Methods We have analyzed the essential content of an interregional project, complemented theoretical fundamentals of project management, and identified the characteristics and features of interregional projects taking into account the specifics of the Russian regional economy. We have also identified the principles of interregional projects' management and resources required for their implementation. The article offers project classification in the State and municipal authorities, investigates the types and features of interregional project management. On the basis of economic studies, we analyzed different aspects of project activities in regions and underlined the specifics of interregional projects' management, which are executed on behalf of several entities (regions) of the Russian Federation being their customers and, at the same time, engaged in implementing project activities based on cooperation.
     Results We conclude that under conditions of limited resources, complex projects management on the basis of interregional cooperation is the most effective within the framework of single control.
     Conclusions and Relevance We emphasize that the administration of Federal districts is facing the complex task of establishing effective mechanisms for project activities management in regions using different economic instruments, as well as allocation of functions depending on the level of management, rights, responsibilities, and various risks.

Keywords: interregional project, region subject, project management, interregional cooperation


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