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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Modernization of the region's agro-industrial complex as a condition for socio-economic development of the region

Vol. 13, Iss. 9, MARCH 2015

Available online: 7 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 25-32

Boltunov V.V. Ogarev Mordovian State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation

Importance The article considers the problems of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia, modernization of which is necessary in order to ensure the region's sustainable economic development in the future. In recent years, agribusiness has been singled out as one of the main priorities of the Republic of Mordovia economic policy. However, the situation with investment and innovative activity of agricultural producers in the region continues deteriorating. The modernization, based on the high-tech resources, the implementation of modern management systems, and the effective involvement in economic turnover of modern development will facilitate the region's sustainable development.
     Objectives The goals of the research is to study the Republic of Mordovia agro-industrial complex, the definition of methods and ways of its development through the introduction of new production technologies, as well as the generation of a number of proposals for the further development of the researched industry.
     Methods On the basis of statistical data and graphical methods, I made a comparative analysis of the carried out investment projects in the Republic of Mordovia agro-industrial complex over the last seven years. The paper identified the strengths and weaknesses of the research process. I determined that similar problems are characteristic to the Republic of Mordovia, which is similar to the problems for the Russian Federation, in general. The article emphasizes that at present, there are visible positive trends that relate to carrying out of investment projects in the Republic of Mordovia.
     Results I draw a conclusion about the importance of existing funds in the system of socio-economic development, and propose the ways of an integrated socio-economic modernization of regions.
     Conclusions and Relevance The paper highlights the need to improve the State regional policy, to enhance the State regulation and to implement the modern effective forms and methods, which impact the socio-economic processes, qualitative change of management system. The scope of the paper's findings application may include practical activities of agribusiness employees.

Keywords: economic development, agribusiness, modernization, innovation development, regional policy, region potential, gross regional product, Republic of Mordovia


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ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
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Vol. 22, Iss. 7
July 2024
