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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Foreign experience in the implementation of regional policy in the conditions of transitive economy and the possibility of its application in Russia

Vol. 13, Iss. 10, MARCH 2015

Available online: 11 March 2015

Subject Heading: SCHOLAR DISPUTE

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-14

Dudin M.N. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Modern regional management needs a special regional policy aimed to transform the competitive potential of the region as a factor of its sustainable development. Due to this, for solving the problems associated with the formation of an effective and adequate regional competition policy, it is very important to study foreign experience of not only individual countries but the European Union, as a whole. The object of the study is the regional policy as an effective instrument for transformation of a meso-system (territorial integrity, social and economic open system - the region). I studied the organizational and economic relations that are getting formed in the implementation and development of the regional policy, which aims to align the conditions of development of individual regions and ensuring a decent standard of living for their population.
     Objectives The purpose of this paper is the generalization of foreign experience of regional management and the study of its application prospects in the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, I give the concept of regional policies in foreign countries, analyze the development of such a policy, and identify the possibility of using foreign experience for the RF.
     Methods In the course of the study, I used legal, comparative, and economic-statistical analyses.
     Results I found that the implementation of the State regional policy is part of the economy of any country that has a significant impact on its maintenance and development.
     Conclusions and Relevance A practical value of the work is the study of the possibility of using foreign experience in the implementation of the regional policy in the Russian Federation. Despite the shortcomings, a program-target approach in the implementation of the regional policy of Russia is still one of the most popular. This is due to the great disparities in the levels of economic development of the regions, the unattractiveness of the most depressed areas for investors, focus and concentration of resources in the implementation of targeted programs. I conclude that the use of foreign experience in the formation of an effective and adequate regional competition policy in the Russian Federation will provide a comprehensive and balanced development of territories forming relations of civil society.

Keywords: regional policy, problems, Russia, transitive economy, national security


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