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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The economies of the countries of the Caspian Sea region in the era of globalization

Vol. 13, Iss. 16, APRIL 2015

Available online: 28 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 17-23

Belokon' V.N. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Volgograd Branch, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Importance The article focuses on the use of territorial resources in the regions of the Russian Federation. I investigated the relationship of gross national income and population areas of the Caspian Sea region.
     Objectives I aimed to define the focus and short-term prediction of the economic development of the Caspian region.
     Methods To study the matter, I used a statistical method and the method of materialist dialectics.
     Results I have analyzed the economic development of the Caspian Sea region after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States, estimated the uneven annual gross national income and its trend, and highlighted the results of the development of the region's economy and the prospects. I presented the economic downturn in a graphical format. I studied the dynamics of the complex statistical measure of economic activity in the Caspian region and determined the possible interrelation of this activity with the social well-being of the citizens. As well, I considered the dynamics of changes in the gross national income of Iran and the CIS countries of the Caspian region.
     Conclusions and Relevance I came to a conclusion that the independence has had a devastating economic impact on the new States formed of the former USSR republics, and the consequence of the collapse of the Soviet Union was the extinction of the population of the regions in 2001-2012. However Russia was able to rise in the category of countries with a high per capita income. The results of the study can be useful to governments at federal, regional and municipal levels. The use of the graphical model of change in gross national income and the related natural population growth in regions and Russia as a whole, will contribute to the economic growth of countries of the Caspian Sea region in the era of globalization.

Keywords: Russia, regional, integrated association, CIS, Caspian region, globalization, gross national income, GNI, coastal territories, population, domestic, territorial subjects


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