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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Assessment of the living standard of population as a factor of sustainable development of socio-ecological-economic system of the Orel region

Vol. 13, Iss. 19, MAY 2015

Available online: 7 June 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 44-54

Kononova E.E. State University - Education-Science-Production Complex, Orel, Russian Federation

Importance Sustainable development of socio-ecological-economic system of the region will depend on many factors, one of which is the standard of living of the population. Diagnostic study of the social system's sustainability at the regional level is an urgent task in current economic conditions.
     Objectives The purpose of the study is to assess the standard of living of the population as a factor of sustainable development of the socio-ecological-economic system of the Orel region. The task of the study is the development of an integral measure of living standards at the regional level, objectively reflecting the social component of sustainable development.
     Methods Using econometric methods, I studied and evaluated the factors affecting social stability. For the analysis of the standard of living of the population, I selected the following relevant factors: levels of income, expenditure and consumption of food, health, education level of the population. The object of the study was the statistical data for 2005-2012 on the analyzed indices in the Russian Federation, the Central Federal District and the Orel region.
     Results As a result of the calculations, I defined and present the integrated indicator. Disparate groups of indicators do not provide a single output on the dynamics of the population's standard of living, and the integrated indicator, uniting the various factors, increases the level of assessment. The study found that the integrated indicator of the standard of living of the population in the Orel region is considerably lower than the one in the Central Federal District, as well as below the average Russian level indicator.
     Conclusions and Relevance I concluded that the use of this indicator will allow accurate diagnosing the level of life of the population at the regional and federal levels.

Keywords: socio-ecological-economic sustainability, quality of life, development, region, diagnosis, standard of living, population, regional differentiation.


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Vol. 22, Iss. 7
July 2024
